Get your favorite articles delivered right to your inbox! At the same temperature, the cocoa butter based treats will be firmer - … Coconut butter contains the meat and oil from fresh coconuts. We hope you are enjoying Tastessence! Here’s what you’ll need to know: You should add the same amount of coconut oil as the butter in the recipe (a 1:1 substitution). And we're seeing more "Butter Is Good for You" and "Coconut Oil: Super Health Food" headlines than ever. Six healthy breakfast recipes to try Show all 6 It’s frequently used to replace butter in baked goods or as an alternative to olive oil when sautéing veggies. Coconut oil is solid at room temperature just like butter, so it can be a good alternative. Use any of these options  in cupcakes, muffins, cakes, pancakes, cookies, granola bars, or wherever else oil, buttery spreads, or butter is called for. Pure white leaf lard. By the way, if this has sparked your interest in using coconut butter for your cooking and baking endeavours, have a look at our recipes! Unsalted butter is fresher. Like dairy-based butters, it usually needs to be warmed before it becomes spreadable. The basic brownie ingredients include flour, sugar, eggs and butter base, with chocolate, which gives them their characteristic brown flavor. Butter Substitutes When Baking Cookies Just because you want your family to be “heart healthy” doesn’t mean they have to forego their favorite baked treats. ** If you have difficulty making coconut butter, double check you are using a high powered blender and wide coconut chips, not desiccated coconut! Applesauce: You can replace butter in baking recipes with unsweetened applesauce by using half of the amount of applesauce as the amount of butter called for in the recipe. Coconut butter is much different than coconut oil, and will hold up more sturdily during baking due to the fibers it contains. You certainly can. Whether you're dairy-free, full-blown vegan, or just want to eat more plants, these non-dairy butters work great for everything from toast to baked goods. Neither one is basically better or worse than the other, but both make life a little more delicious, so there's no reason to ban them from your kitchen entirely. The water is key because it turns to steam in the oven, and when water (in liquid or steam form) interacts with flour it turns into gluten, meaning your cookies end up … On the other hand, butter does contain vitamins A, D, E, and K. It also contains minerals such as calcium and proteins in trace amounts. I suggest trying both since the texture is different for each. Alternatively, you can whip up your own coconut butter at home. Coconut’s fats are primarily the reason it works so well in a variety of dairy-free recipes. Coconut butter vs. coconut oil. That’s right, it can be used to replace any form of dairy you can imagine – milk, yogurt, cheese, sour cream, and yes, even butter! One tablespoon has around 14 grams. While coconut oil works well in many recipes, it won’t in others where that certain thick, denseness is needed (not just for fat but also for texture). For recipes such as butter cups, you won’t need to melt a thing, just use your coconut butter wherever you would butter and it’s ready to go. In the late 19th century, the Sears and Roebuck catalog reportedly published the first brownie recipe. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Yummy, right? Coconut butter is easier to spread at temperatures above 24 °C. Alternatively, you can whip up your own coconut butter at home. Since coconut butter only contains the one ingredient, coconut, you just need to understand what to buy. We provide informative and helpful articles about ingredient substitutes, healthy eating, and all around cool stuff about food and recipes. In most cases, people use oil to fry and cook, while butter is reserved for baking. It is a delicious creamy blend of coconut meat that can be used in heaps of recipes. Coconut butter can be used in most dishes that need coconut milk or oil, and it can also be used as a condiment or spread. Copyright © Tastessence &, Inc. Let’s dig in! If the recipe also calls for coconut shreds, use them as normal. Some prefer to eat it on its own, or to mix a few spoonfuls with a flavoring like vanilla. For oil free-eaters, can you successfully substitute coconut butter (a whole food) for coconut oil? If your cookie recipe relies on a buttery flavor, replacing the butter with coconut cream or oil will not render the desired result. Doing so is helpful if you are watching fat calories, need to add a little more fiber, or just don't have enough butter for a recipe. Leaf lard is the highest grade pork fat. Yes! Substitutes butter,  coconut,  coconut butter,  coconut oil,  peanut butter. Many recipes will call for butter in icing, such as in buttercream. Learn how your comment data is processed. The meat is the fiber-rich part of the coconut, which gives it such a delicious and distinct taste. It’s already ready to go! Coconut butter doesn’t have to be refrigerated like butter so there’s no need to bring it to room temp. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. It just won’t do the trick if you’re trying to replicate the velvety texture of coconut butter. If you’re a low-fat baker, you may be able to get by with less and use some alternatives like applesauce, bananas, or pumpkin to replace the fat in your recipes, but don’t fear coconut butter’s fats. 6789 Quail Hill Pkwy, Suite 211 Irvine CA 92603. You can even use coconut to make homemade coconut kefir as a replacement to dairy kefir. Butter is composed of at least 80% fat (per U.S. standards) and no more than 16% water, plus a smaller amount of milk proteins. Being publicly-funded gives us a greater chance to continue providing you with high quality content. For recipes such as Bulletproof coffee, the heat from the coffee will melt the coconut butter just like it would butter so you don’t need to adjust at thing. Salt is a preservative and therefore, salted butter has a longer shelf life than unsalted butter. Now, here’s a question you may also have. Per two tablespoons, it has 6 grams of fiber and 3 grams of protein for only 180 calories and 0 grams of cholesterol. How About Milk Destruction: The Shocking Truth About the Dairy Industry and the Environment, Doing This One Thing Can Help Rescued Farm Animals This Winter, 5 Ways to Help Wild Animals Survive the Winter Time, 10 Must-Read Environmental Books From 2020, Here’s Why Cow’s Milk Doesn’t Do a Body Good, 10 Mental Health and Wellness Apps to Use in 2021, Tips for Taking Care of Your Endocrine System on a Plant-Based Diet, Magnesium: How to Get Enough and Which Foods Are Best, How an Anti-Inflammatory Plant-Based Diet Can Boost Your Gut Microbiome. While coconut oil works well in … To get the coconut cream out of the can, turn the can upside down after refrigerating but … Here are some suggestions and insights for baking with butter or oil. That water content turns into steam while baking and can increase gluten production, which can result in a crisper cookie, flakier pie crust or biscuit. Is It Possible to Make Non Dairy Pancakes? 12 Homemade Non-Dairy Milks to Try During Veganuary! Fortunately, you have some suitable options to use in place of coconut butter. But with more grocery stores stocking this tasty treat, you shouldn’t have to go through too much trouble to find it near you. Coconut oil has slightly more fat and less water than butter, so to prevent dry baked goods, up the liquid called for in cakes, muffins, and quick breads by just a few tablespoons to compensate. Cookies made with coconut oil instead of butter will generally turn out OK, although they'll be a bit more crunchy. (Though coconut allergies do exist, they’re very rare, thankfully.). makes a great spread for toast etc and is fine for baking, especially cookies, but you might need to keep mixing to keep it warm and pliable. Coconut oil is a popular choice, mainly because it cools as a solid and turns to liquid when warm, as butter does and will help maintain thickness and viscosity in a recipe. For more recipe substitution ideas and cooking tips, check out the Tastessence blog. You can find coconut butter at health food stores and some chain grocery stores. Recap Butter vs. oil, and which one to use for different types of meal prepping is a never-ending debate. Because of butter’s low melting point, the dough tends to spread during baking before the structure sets. Not only is it astoundingly impressive nutritionally speaking, but it’s also a whiz in the dairy-free kitchen. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. It’s very different than coconut oil, which is the oil that is pressed out of coconut meat. While butter and coconut oil contain MCTs, MCT oil only contains fatty acids and is in a concentrated form making it a higher energy oil than butter or coconut oil. It’s such a perfect source of essential fatty acids, brain-boosting nutrients, and organic fibers and even protein. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. you can also learn how to make your own here. Everyone loves cookies. Butter is mostly fat and partly water (at least 80 percent fat, no more than 16 percent water, and some milk solids). The most crucial distinction is that coconut butter is meant to be eaten on top of other foods (or even directly from the jar). Because of its high water content, baked goods made with margarine will often have a softer texture. Blend in your blender until you get a nice spread going and use that instead for the same texture. If you don’t want to purchase it pre-made, you can also learn how to make your own here, and if you’re just not into coconut that much,  here’s a great vegan butter recipe as an alternative to coconut butter. And when it comes to baking with butter, have no fret. You can find coconut butter at health food stores and some chain grocery stores. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. What to Substitute for Milk in Mac and Cheese. But what happens when you run out of this delectable treat and need to find a coconut butter substitute? ), Zoochosis and the Many Ways We Have Failed Zoo Animals, Monkey Kept in Crate for 7 Years Has the Best Reaction to His New Sanctuary Home (VIDEO), Plastic Toxins Are Leaching Into Your Food And Water – Here’s How To Avoid Them, Chocolate Covered Cheesecake Bites [Vegan], Wake Up to These 15 Quick and Easy Vegan Breakfasts on Christmas Morning, Raspberry Vanilla Cupcakes With Coconut Cream Frosting. For instance in a vegan cake where coconut oil is called for, a simple replacement of equal parts melted coconut butter will do the trick. Though most bakers and cooks prefer butter for its unparalleled taste, margarine does have its place. These extra additions while blending really help the texture of this super-rich butter, not to mention they add so much flavor. I was skeptical at first about the whole MCT craze, but I really feel an energy boost that lasts for a couple of hours. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. You can also use coconut butter to top pancakes with, melt into oatmeal, or spread onto toast just like you would butter. This recipe combines the properties of an oily flour– coconut butter, with cocoa butter, the fat in the cake. Unlike coconut oil, coconut butter contains the meat of the fruit. Coconut oil is made entirely of fat, mostly saturated. In this post, we’ll share more about what’s in coconut butter, why it’s different from coconut oil, and what you can use as a coconut butter substitute. Butter has a melting point that’s around body temperature. Plus, coconut oil is a liquid at room temperature. It’s not an oil (some think it’s the same as coconut oil, which it isn’t) and it’s a little more grittier than a nut butter. It’s a tasty concoction that you can eat plain or spread across all of your favorite foods. You just warm it up and stir it back together. On the other hand, coconut oil is an ingredient used within recipes to add fat. Leaf Lard. It’s even low in sugar! coconut butter makes the best butter substitute 82 per cent of the fat in coconut oil is saturated, which is more than butter (63 per cent), beef fat (50 per cent) and pork lard (39 per cent). I love this coconut butter … Two expert tips for getting the most out of your coconut butter experience: 1. For recipes that call for coconut oi and perhaps coconut shreds (such as these coconut bars), then all you’ll need to do is melt your coconut butter first and use the same amount called for as oil. Plus, coconut butter tends to be pricey, so you’ll save yourself some money by making it at home. Coconut oil can replace butter in baking at a 1:1 ratio, though it may slightly change the flavor, with some types of coconut oil affecting taste more than others. For melted butter, be sure to warm your coconut butter first. There are a few suitable coconut butter substitute options if you don’t have any on hand or can’t make your own. 2. When you buy a jar of coconut butter, there’s usually a layer of coconut oil at the top that has separated. If the recipe calls for a buttery spread, here’s a trick to use: since butter spreads contain some oils, you can simply mix half the amount called for with 1 part coconut butter and 1 part coconut oil. It has an incredibly rich, slightly sweet flavor and also provides the perfect butter replacement. If you’re making vegan baked goods, you can use coconut butter in place of traditional butter. Coconut oil contains no proteins, carbs, vitamins, or minerals. They're not health foods nor are they health fiends. Butter is one of the easiest things to substitute for when cooking a vegan dish. However, store-bought butter is salted and hence high in sodium. mix cacao butter with coconut butter - just as you would for making raw chocolate. homemade coconut kefir as a replacement to dairy kefir. Although they might seem similar, coconut butter and coconut oil have some key differences. Coconut butter is much different than coconut oil, and will hold up more sturdily during baking due to the fibers it contains. Warm the coconut butter just enough so it melts to soft liquid with some firmness still in tact (usually takes about a minute or two). You can do this several ways but I like to put it in a small ramekin and place it on my coffee maker’s hot plate so I don’t burn the coconut butter and so I don’t have to microwave it (which just doesn’t seem right to me for such a precious, raw food). Flakes often turn into a smoother butter than shredded coconut … Many bakers love coconut oil for its light, sweet flavor that makes it an ideal 1:1 substitution for butter. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Less moisture produces a crisper cookie. Even without cannabis, I’ve been really loving putting a couple of teaspoons in my afternoon tea. What Can You Use As an Egg Substitute for Meatloaf. That's because butter is 16 to 17 percent water, while coconut oil is pure fat. To make it, you’ll just need unsweetened shredded coconut and a food processor, as well as a bit of sea salt and some sweetener (both optional). Butter helps hold air in baked goods to make them light and fluffy. Get familiar with this amazing butter now and see your health and recipes benefit at the same time! Our site includes quite a bit of content, so if you're having an issue finding what you're looking for, go on ahead and use that search feature there! Since coconut butter is pretty hard at room temperature (unless your kitchen is warm of you live in a warm climate), then it will need to be blended to warm it up a bit with the other ingredients to turn it into frosting. However, things are not that simple. Coconut is there to save your baked goods from falling apart or lacking moisture. If the recipe calls for room temperature butter, scoop out how much coconut butter you need first and simply use it immediately. It’s basically coconut shreds that have been whipped into a butter. In baked goods like cupcakes or spice cakes where you might not want that coconut flavor, milder tasting coconut butter (manna) works perfectly. It’s not always a straight one to one substitution, there are several things to consider when deciding to use butter or oil. ** To return coconut butter to a soft state for cooking, measuring, or baking simply place the jar of coconut butter in a bowl of hot water for 15 minutes, covered. While it may be a bit thicker and creamier, the fats will work the same. This will help you substitute accordingly. You can use coconut butter like peanut butter and add it on top of bread, apples, waffles, or in smoothies. Lead Image Source: Raspberry Vanilla Cupcakes With Coconut Cream Frosting. Many recipes will call for melted butter, room temperature butter, or even a butter spread. Buy 100% percent unsweetened, dried coconut that’s either shredded or flakes. This will help you determine which substitutions will work. Baking With Coconut Oil . Not all fats are created equal…especially when it comes to baking, it makes a difference which fat you use and when you use it in the recipe. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. If you’re a coconut lover, you’ve probably tried (or at least heard of) coconut butter. In my experience, coconut is one of the best vegan butter substitutes. However, you should be aware that these types of products will only replace the consistency of coconut butter. Note: When substituting butter in baking you need to keep in mind if the original recipe is calling for melted or solid butter. Our take on these fats? If you’re making vegan baked goods, you can use coconut butter in place of traditional butter. This doesn’t necessarily mean that salted butter has been on the shelf longer; it simply has a longer shelf life. But diluted, it makes the perfect crumb for pound cake. There are several substitutes for butter when baking cookies. The fats help create the creamy texture desired in milk, and coconut milk is commercially available or easy enough to make at home. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. About Coconut Butter And The Best Types To Use, Deck the Halls With These 30 Vegan Main Dishes for Christmas, How to Choose a Ripe Winter Squash (and Avoid the Bad Ones in the Bunch! Overall, it’s very important to read the recipe so you know what type of butter and the state of butter is needed. Use coconut oil as a substitute for butter when baking or preparing your favorite dishes. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Beyond Sushi Chef Opens New Vegan Bistro in NYC, 10 Essential Vegan Hot Chocolate Recipes For Winter, Pit Bull Reunited with Family After 8 Years in Shelter, Veganuary Hits Record with 500,000 Pledges, Petition: Fire Cops that Wrongfully Raided Social Worker’s Home While She Was Naked, Petition: Tell Nestle, Ferrero, and Unilever to Stop killing Orangutans for Palm Oil, 7 Alarming Facts About the Shark Fin Trade, Milk Life? Most nut butters (such as peanut butter, almond butter, and cashew butter) will work as a coconut butter substitute. The properties of coconut oil give it added health benefits, too. So, to make my Ultimate Keto Coconut Butter, I add a bit of coconut cream, vanilla extract, and Lakanto Maple Syrup. It’s also a perfect replacement to soy and gluten-based dairy alternatives which cause some allergic issues for many people. Unrefined coconut oil has […] You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. These cookies do not store any personal information. Some oils, such as lard, peanut oil, and rapeseed have what we call a low smoking point. To see just how different the spread would be, I baked two batches of our Self-Rising Crunchy Sugar Cookies (one made with all butter, one with all shortening), for another shortening vs. butter in baking … If you still can’t find it, try making your own. They won’t offer the same coconut flavor. Unfortunately, you can’t reliably use coconut oil as a coconut butter substitute, since they serve very different purposes in the kitchen. Coconut butter is one of the most unique foods I’ve used in my kitchen. Lard, or pork fat, is one of my favorite fats to use in baking other than baking. Butter and any oil can’t compare to that! Butter is solid at room temperature, so it’s good for creating layers and trapping air in light, flaky, buttery pastries (like croissants or puff pastry), or cakes with pockets of air. Chickpea and Lentil Stuffed Eggplant [Vegan]. Unlike pure oil, it’s a whole food that hasn’t been stripped of any nutrients. Sign up to receive the latest and greatest articles from our site automatically each week (give or take)...right to your inbox. Yes! Since it’s raw, it may also be higher in nutrients and goes under a bit less processing. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Coconut oil is solid at room temperature and offers the same benefit as butter in baking. Something to note with coconut oil is the taste, though. Please support us! The brownie is America's favorite bar cookie. Sign up for daily news from OneGreenPlanet. Always try to use equal parts coconut butter to butter when you can. It seems most cookie recipes call for butter, which is high in cholesterol and saturated fats. If you’re using coconut butter in your icing, I suggest whipping it with a hand mixer or in a high speed blender with the other ingredients to make sure it combines well. You can use coconut butter like peanut butter and add it on top of bread, apples, waffles, or in smoothies. For those that adore the flavor of coconut as I do, stick with raw, organic coconut butter for the majority of your recipes. With that said, there isn’t a coconut butter substitute that will match the flavor and consistency exactly. Coconut is possibly the most magical food you can imagine when it comes to enhacing your recipes and health at the same time. We’re talking 3-4 months of shelf time. In the summer, it’s so warm in our kitchen that it’s liquid enough and can be just be stirred. The main differences are based on the higher melting point for cocoa butter, which can actually make storage easier. For those that don’t like coconut’s flavor, you can purchase expeller-pressed coconut butter (also called coconut manna by many companies) which has less of a coconut flavor but provides all the fat and the texture you’re looking for. Here’s What to Use As a Vegetable Oil Substitute Baking. Just be sure to blend your ingredients well before baking and you’ll be just fine! Coconut butter is a creamy and spreadable paste that’s made from coconut flesh. Coconut yogurt makes a fantastic creamy breakfast addition (perhaps to oats for a soaked porridge) and even contains prebiotic properties to feed the good bacteria during culturing. It’s simple enough to toss everything into your food mixer or blender though and it makes for one incredible frosting! It’s incredibly easy and doesn’t require expensive ingredients or tools. Reason being, cocoa butter not thinned by another fat will set up too hard in one’s baked good, making the crumb too dry. 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