The Change Management Policy document and all other referenced documents shall be controlled. Updating policies and procedures should be a collaborative process. These are employed to protect the rights of company employees as well as the interests of employers. You feel anxious and confused about whether this task is your responsibility and how to go about it. Policies and procedures should grow and change with your organization, adapting to its needs and industry standards. Company policies and procedures are an essential part of any given organization. She has recently started her job. For example, a staff recruitment policy could involve the following procedures: Why you think it is important for organisations in the CSI to have policy and procedures? Currying employees are one of the most prominent positions in healthcare. The written documents can vary dramatically depending on the: Working within organisational policy and procedures is not as simple as reading policy and procedure manuals. Quality of service delivery is dependent on the responsibility of both the organisation and the worker in following the policies that guide service delivery. For example, translated into different languages or in pictorial form for people with a severe intellectual disability. Identify key processes and tasks in your business, and develop standard operating procedures (SOPs) for each. Activity: Policy or procedures for monitoring, reviewing and evaluation. These policies, procedures, and checklists successfully recognize the limits of providing employees proper guidance for appropriate behavior at work and draw a line between that and employee lives outside of the workplace. You are working in a drug and alcohol community education service where you have been employed for a few weeks. policy documents, for example, providing services to cultural and linguistic diverse clients (CALD), duty of care guidelines which include confidentiality, and equity and access. In what way could Julie’s knowledge and following of policy and procedure have prevented this unfortunate incident? Take a look to see the recommended sample policies that don't sap employee spirits and steal their lives and private time. As well, there are legal documents which provide protocols for: CSI services are influenced by two sorts of policy: For example, the NSW Disability Services Act is broad government policy which impacts heavily on policy developed by organisations funded by the NSW Ageing, Disability and Home Care Department. Procedures are ways of doing a routine practice, such as finding the quickest way to resolve issues or the most efficient way to … For example, staff are increasingly working alone in a domestic violence service, despite occupational health and safety legislation contradicting this practice. Sometimes colleagues might also ask you to do something that may not be your responsibility. This page is better viewed with JavaScript enabled. Firstly, let’s define policy and procedures. To ensure that you are always working within policy and procedures, you need to: The following activity explores the importance of working within organisational policy and procedures. The drive for most nurses is to ensure safe results in quality care. The other primary influences on policy are: What are the areas covered in a policy and procedure manual? All vacant paid positions will be advertised in local and state-wide papers. The purpose of organizational policies, procedures, processes and systems for WHS are to establish the practices and standards that a company will follow in regards to … when incidents are occurring that indicate the policy is not working eg an increasing number of stress related leave applications being placed by staff despite a stress reduction policy. If you were to go out every day for lunch, you would miss this valuable networking time. One of the most critical client-focussed policy and procedures is the policy outlining the process of how clients are accepted into a service. As your organization grows, a policy, process and procedure management system can help organize the growing number of documents you have and streamline the workflow, from policy creation through distribution and employee acknowledgement. This se… In this learning topic we are focussing on the second type of policy (organisational policy) but you still need to understand the impact of broader government policy on the development of organisational policy. This could result possibly in a change for the better for the clients. A procedure explains how to and who (which position) will implement the policy. the responsibilities of the same workers. Moreover, processes are important. The more organised, systematic and thorough you are in the initial entry and assessment process, the less capacity for misunderstandings later on. In which case, consultation is essential with your team leader, agency manager, service director or clinical supervisor, where applicable. The agency is responsible for providing policy and procedural guidelines that support the practice of services. By being aware of your own professional code of ethics, your job description and your workplace requirements, you are in a good position to be aware of any policies or procedures that could be improved or need replacing. resources available for policy development. All organisations should have written policy and procedures, and staff training in the following areas: For instance, the Supported Accommodation Assistance Program (providing accommodation support for homeless people) outlines its policy in the Case Management Resource Kit for SAAP Services, 1997. There may be significant difference in the organization and management of the policy and procedures, which makes adapting them difficult. Written policies are put in place to inform your employees of company expectations and the appropriate steps to take in certain situations. 3) The security guard must thoroughly check the identity card, photo of the employee, name of the employee and card issuer's signature in the identity card to make sure that he is an employee of the company. Julie has been busy since starting the job and hasn’t had a chance to learn about the organisation’s policy and procedures. Not only should you spend time ensuring that the organization of your policies and procedures makes logical sense, you should also make sure that an employee from any department, and any level of management, should be able to find the policies that apply to them within 3 clicks. It is helpful when designing any human rights plan, policy or procedure, to get input from all parts of the organization. Information needs to be provided in a way that is meaningful to the client. Policies and procedures are an essential part of any organization. You may have been given unclear instructions for a task from your supervisor, and you’re not sure how to go about it or whether it is your responsibility anyway. and can include policies such as directions, laws, principles, rules or regulations. when there is a change within the legal requirements, eg new Act of Parliament (legislation) or regulations, regularly as part of your service’s annual review and planning time, as new information on good practice emerges. What is included in the document Also, you can include a general definition of the change management process – what it is. What is the purpose of Organizational policies, procedures, processes and systems for WHS? How would you act in the following situation? However, there comes a point when an organization needs to coordinate among its members and provide itself with legal protection. A policy is a course of action or guidelines to be followed whereas a procedure is the ‘nitty gritty’ of the policy, outlining what has to be done to implement the policy. a procedure for formalising an agreement between the service and the client if the client is accepted into the service, including obtaining written consent to share information with other relevant agencies or individuals and the nature of the service that will be offered. These procedures may include equipment upgrades, extensive employee training, or the provision of a cleaner work environment. First, you should describe the core function of the document. All information regarding clients will be destroyed 7 years after the client ceases to receive services. The organization’s policies aim to help businesses in many ways. Organizational policies also help your company maintain a degree of accountability in the eyes of internal and external stakeholders. As you update and improve your expertise you are gaining new knowledge and skills on good practice based on current service methods. Create a process to review all retained documents and establish their destruction timeline. Firstly, let’s define policy and procedures. Unlike Procedures, that are made to show the practical application of the policies. Another example is the Equal Opportunity Act, which would influence the development of a policy such as the staff recruitment policy discussed a bit earlier. 2) All the employees must have the identity card and show their identity card to the security guard for verification. Together, policies and procedures provide a roadmap for day-to-day operations. The advertisements will have details of duties, salary range, closing date and contact details. Ensure your policies are documented and accessible. volunteering to follow things up if others are unable to. Policies and procedures should be regularly reviewed in order to ensure they reflect current good practice and legal requirements. Consider whether there is a need for clear guidance regarding how the policy will be implemented and by whom. It should lay out in clear language what the purpose is. Version control shall be used to preserve the latest release and the previous version of any document. Policies and procedures must reflect legislation and ethical standards of the community services sector. What are Policies and Procedures? No service wants to hear something that is presented as a criticism. For example: 1. By clarifying confusion promptly, you may gain a better understanding of what your responsibilities are and how they relate to your colleagues’ responsibilities. take opportunities to be involved in policy development. Procedures are specific, factual and succinct. As you review each of the sections keep in mind that the policies and procedures you develop need to be appropriate to your organization and clearly communicated to everyone from the board to the staff. � �}��F��@Sg��v��kݤ�I�/;��R��r���H��$��RY�w��} ?�~_�� H$��3�n�@HDFF�="����^���W/��j6�y���lL���u#�7���q���m���׍t�,W��*��ɼL����1Y����i��HS\���8|�[[�O#8�X�h�I�L��u��o�l^�M��\Es�v�V��Q����|8���x��5�a8��;'>��pj�� :K߅�x��V��|�����g���ދ�/�g��/��������/�twIr7��i����e����N^~���.~��3���is�F��$������~{8��x�p���j͢�0�&K�G_��^�_4n�՜��x���Z�S�E�3²���iD�h�&�4Z.����m2z�м�n�ƫ&Ƙ ���/]��Up��*Z��wN���q�N�N0O��p�&�ɓ�,�y�G�=��ԏ�jf�6z/A�i����x��>����6�ƫ��IE���R~�F1�}���㌓e�#L��P���y���bU������Υ�*#~�h�}j_���p����Mx^�|��I��r�^���I. Organisational policies and procedures for risk management are a set of written steps that will be taken by a company to provide their employees with the least amount of risk when they are performing their jobs. coordination/networking with external agencies. Organizational policies and procedures are guidelines produced by organizations that inform employees in their day-to-day work. (d) take the information to your supervisor and ask if it could be a focus of discussion at the next staff meeting? Decide how the documents should be destroyed. For example, you may learn from reading that there is a better way to provide some aspect of service than your service is presently offering. a clearly defined process for identifying and regularly updating a Community Resource Index so that all workers are aware of what other services are available to refer to (the index contains basis contact details and information about what each service provides), processes for networking with other agencies, including attending relevant interagencies (meetings of local service providers), guidelines for case conferencing (this will be discussed in more detail a bit later), referral protocols, including how referrals should be made, the kind of information that can be shared with other services and any ongoing roles and responsibilities of each service with regard to the client. 5… You may want to bring this (or some other matter) to the attention of the other staff or even the person in charge. Some organizations post their own policies online and are free to download. Most workplaces have committees made up of management representatives and workers to regularly review the policies and procedures of the service. For example, different government departments produce documents that outline legal requirements for their staff in relation to storing and maintaining information. You may make a suggestion which is accepted and this could lead to a change of policy in this matter. network closely with colleagues and management, attend staff and management committee meetings where possible. a policy regarding receiving complaints will require a set of procedures detailing how complaints will be handled). Procedures are step by step instructions, prescribing an exact sequence of action. For example, a staff recruitment policy could involve the following procedures: This will help ensure they do not get frustrated and abandon their attempt at being compliant. After an IT security event, policies can aid in disaster recovery. How you contribute is very important. Often, when businesses start small, they leave things loose and create rules as they go. What could you do to determine what action to take? It is a document that formally describes change managementexpectations, processes, and procedures 2. You haven’t been involved in developing the programme and have never attended the interagency meetings. (E.g. There will be times (hopefully not often) when you are unsure about what is expected of you in the workplace. occupational health and safety guidelines. Organizations also rely on organizational policies, such as Acceptable Use Policies to bolster the technical aspect of system management. In truth, the term process is a very loose and flexible phrase which can be used to describe sweeping overviews or detailed steps. A critical aspect of policy is the way in which it is interpreted by various people and the way it is implemented (‘the way things are done around here’). who is eligible to use the service, for example, families with children 0-5 years living in the Seebreeze Community who are experiencing crisis or stress, what happens if referred clients cannot be accepted, such as giving information and referral to appropriate services, how promptly clients will receive a response to the referral. If the documents are not destroyed they are legally discoverable if the organization were to be sued. Consider adding guidance and steps to this Word template for software and hardware purchases and approved models and versions. The exact types of policies will vary depending on the nature of the organization. Always use your job or position description (discussed earlier) as a point of reference. 4) The face of the employee must be clearly visible for security inspection. You may be able to be a part of a committee itself or you may ask to contribute to such development within your workplace. However, there will always be situations that arise where there is no clear documentation to guide actions. For example, input from employees will be invaluable in developing and implementing workplace anti-harassment and anti-discrimination policies, plans or procedures. It states that all information regarding clients will be kept in the filing cabinet for up to 5 years before being archived. 07 Food Services. A policy is a statement which underpins how human resource management issues will be dealt with in an organisation. There may also be legislative requirements for you and other workers to acquire knowledge about. The importance of policies and procedures, it allows management guide operations without constant management intervention. Julie is a disability worker in a respite care facility for young people with a disability. A policy is a course of action or guidelines to be followed whereas a procedure is the ‘nitty gritty’ of the policy, outlining what has to be done to implement the policy. 06 Classification and Case Management. Who will be responsible for developing these procedures? Clearly defined IT policies and procedures can prevent privacy and data breaches. When will this be done? policies about what is expected of service users (clients). What are some ways that Julie could have found out what the relevant policy and procedure is in relation to this situation? Just like societies need laws to create order and common understandings, organizations need policies. This is an important area to maintain consistency of approach between workers in a service and ensure that the client is given a clear understanding of their rights and responsibilities if they do choose to become involved with the service. How could the organisation’s policies and procedures assist you to decide what to do? Organizational policies and procedures are usually what guide a company. Ensure that the documents are destroyed on time. Policies are decision oriented, but procedures are action oriented. Add your own device, visitor policy, password policy, se… Policy is not just the written word. Procedures are more likely to be required to support internal policies. That's when it turns to policy-making. According to the experts, you need to review and update policies at least once a year. Policies communicate the connection between the organization’s vision and values and its day-to-day operations. In other words, it is about ensuring that clients are accepted into the service on the basis of clear transparent eligibility criteria and that they have a clear understanding of what is involved in accessing the service. 05 Emergency Plans. If so, we recommend you take several minutes to read on and acquaint yourself with the importance and benefits of written, well-defined Policies & Procedures!why is this important to you? The Policy demonstrates that the business organization is being operated … The contents page shows you everything detailed in the manual, while the extracts give you examples of, Carmen Poldis Community Centre (.doc 29 kB). personnel practices (staff recruitment, training, holiday leave arrangements, promotions, performance appraisals, supervision), case management procedures (how the agency determines eligibility for the service, assesses client need and individual goal setting to address needs identified), occupational health and safety procedures, delegations (who can make decisions about what, eg approval process for spending money). when you notice that a policy or procedure contradicts a legal or ethical direction. 4.4 Document Control. According to the New South Wales Department of Education and Training, the two main sources of organizational policies are external laws or guidelines that are issued by administrative authorities, and those issued by the organization itself. (a) start putting posters all over the room, (b) propose a new policy and immediately start acting on it. Are you interested in growing your business while enhancing your employee’s ability to deliver consistent, high caliber service without dramatically increasing the burden of employee management responsibilities on you? Ask if it could be discussed at a team meeting to see if others hold similar views or have further knowledge on the topic. It often plays a positive role in strengthening an organization. 9 policies and procedures you need to know about if you’re starting a new security program Any mature security program requires each of these infosec policies, documents and procedures. All funded services must comply with the Act in order to receive funding and there must be clear guidelines that organisations must follow such as having complaints procedures, assessing clients’ individually and ensuring that clients have an opportunity to make decisions about the service provided to them. Written policies and procedures are essential to the effective and efficient operations of your programs and organization. Lack of adherence to policy and procedure can cause embarrassing blunders that damage your own professional reputation and even worse, cause harm and unnecessary angst for the clients. The organization’s policy and procedures help to understand the organization’s views and the values of specific issues. Apparently one of the clients became very distressed and ran away, leave the night staff very perplexed. Make important procedures such as first-aid and emergency exits clearly visible. This may lead you to make suggestions to your team or the person in charge, about new or modified policies so that the service is up to date with current issues. 1) Anyone who is trying to enter the office area from reception must cross the first security guard check point. 04 Security. You have been reading about a recent new theory that affects the service where you work, and you feel that the service’s policies should change to reflect the current thinking. All interested people will be mailed job descriptions and information about the organisation. Many questions that workers might ask can be answered by organisational documentation. Remember, first impressions are always important! Organizational policies are guidelines that outline and guide actions within an business or agency. © State of New South Wales, Department of Education and Training, 2009 Print. Allow your staff to contribute to the SOPs and regularly review your processes. Administrators need to work with leaders, employees … They may include timelines, specific forms to be used and template forms. What information can be shared with other organisations, who shares it and how this information is given out should be clearly defined in any effective, professional service. a policy for how long client information is kept after clients are no longer involved with the service. For example, the organisation may have a written policy that staff meetings occur every second Wednesday. Some policies may need to be revised on a bi-annual or quarterly basis. Clear HR Consulting provides recommendations on how to communicate policies and procedures to staff in your small business. Policies should be reviewed: As previously stated, you are required to be familiar with the policies and procedures of your employer organisation and to act in accordance with these. As the owner, you have an obligation to … 03 Facility Operations. Employees are required to be informed about these policies and procedures and their legal implications to ensure smooth operations in an organization… 02 Information Management. This may be a client handbook or pamphlet, containing information about the staff, the programme, expectations of clients and grievance procedures. It communicates an organisation’s values and the organisation’s expectations of employee behaviours and performance. being familiar with current policies and protocols, being willing to make suggestions and contribute to discussions. However, it can also have a negative effect on an employee’s conduct. resources provided by government funding bodies to assist with the policy development process. It is designed to ensure any and all changes adhere to this process 3. It communicates to the employees what is considered right and wrong. Julie comes in the next day to find that the staff members on the next shift were not aware of the incident and organised for the two clients involved to move into the same room. Depending on the size of your organization, you may have one document or several documents. Workplace policies often reinforce and clarify standard operating procedure in … However what you notice is that all staff members go to the staff room and an informal catch-up about recent events and team tasks occurs over lunch a couple of times a week instead of at a formal meeting. Policies and procedures go hand-in-hand but are not interchangeable. They ensure compliance with laws and regulations, give guidance for decision-making, and streamline internal processes. One day, she is the only staff member on duty at the house when there is a very unpleasant altercation between two of the residents. Sometimes, organisations are not well resourced in terms of staff and basic orientation for new workers is hurried and incomplete (called ‘being thrown in at the deep end’). Policies reflect the ultimate mission of the organisation. We feel much more comfortable in the workplace when we know what is expected of us! information that will be given to the client about the service, its aims and objectives, client rights and responsibilities and the time frame it will be given in. The documents are not destroyed they are legally discoverable if the documents are interchangeable. Could result possibly in a way that is presented as a point of reference laws to create order and understandings. Procedures are helpful in the implementation of programs being archived and steps to Word. Next staff meeting may ask to contribute to the experts, you have been employed for a weeks... 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