Analyze that! In 2012 61% of all fatal dog attacks in the United States were perpetrated by pitts. It had attacked another dog before, how incredibly irresponsible. Of the 35 fatal dog attacks in 2018, 21 were identified as pit bulls or pit bull mixes. I watch Pit bulls and parolees, I’m a major fan of Tia and hope to be able to donate to her cause one day. Are Fatal Attacks Common? There should be if they’re as dangerous as you say, right? And what site did you get your information? German Shepherd: 83.1% Do pits bite more? I also have a pekingese puppy. Pits that fought in those days were kept with the family, because they had dog aggression, not human aggression. Learn about the critical factors for responsible ownership such as: There are so many great videos and inspiring stories about our pitbull-type companions and family members. What I will say, for those who get headaches just looking at a single digit numeral is this: a long, long, time ago (around 1616, if you’ve got some Aspirin handy), some scientists got targeted by the Roman Catholic Church, as heretics, for defending the theory that the Earth revolved around the Sun, big oops. In any case, pit bull breeding and fighting continued in the colonies, but in no way were the fighting dogs ever generally popular, nor were they ever suitable as family pets. Have a Merry Christmas!! And the fact that you note…well, enough said. There is no single reason why so many adults, chiefly females, in the 30-49 age group were killed by dogs, however, pit bulls were involved in 85% of these attacks, 62% of the dogs had a previous bite history, and 62% … I feel that because pits and such aggressive dogs are the problem we have to find a happy medium. I can only hope that what happen to my family, will happen to yours. These statistics can be found with the American Temperament Test Society of the Almost all Pit Bull attacks have involved unaltered Pit Bulls, so it is very. Here’s a source. My lab was viciously attacked by a pit bull that was off leash. umm… this dog needs more respect then it gets. Many of you who are defending pits are lucky enough never to have seen an attack and it is something that happens on tv or something you heard about. They have the percentages of 121 breeds who were tested in numerical order on there. For this reason, I am pro breed banning to hopefully save more Pit Bull lives and the people who are attacked by them through no fault of their own. 32 U.S. dog bite-related fatalities occurred in 2013. I, a middle aged overweight soccer mom, am trying to make everyone around me believe I am tough. I just wanted to share this “Good Morning” experience. Staffordshire Bull Terrier: 84.7% Knowing the difference between breeds will save you a lot of trouble. Go look at the real stats, from a non-partial organization. the pit bulls I’ve met were Daffy, Aggie, and Pop eye, they were the ones who got me interested in this breed. German Shepherds: 17. For that reason alone is why I do not consider them safe family pets for our neighborhoods. Give me a break. You are a little sissy! I suggest you visit the non-biased American Temperament Testing Society website. Dakota is a pit bull search and rescue who searched for the remains of the astronauts who lost their lives in explosion of the space shuttle Columbia. Learn More Fatal Dog Attacks Are Exceedingly Rare Thank you!!! The homeowners regret ever owning them. People need to stop putting the blame on something else and start taking responsibility for their actions. Get on our Exclusive Pit Bull Newsletter! I’ve read data that suggested that the percentage could be as high as 9.6%. (Interestingly enough, Reader’s Digest did a story on Weela right after this but REFUSED to print her breed.) Sometimes I wear yoga pants when I walk my pitbull. They are responsible for over 30% of dog bites, but the fatality rate is much higher due to the severity of pit bull bites. What is bewildering to me is that Pit Bull Rescue Central admits that other beloved dogs in the community are not safe around pit-bulls because of their genetic makeup but promotes them as a great family pet. He has given me the greatest gifts and he is my Best Friend. You are absolutely right it is the people who are not loving. In most cases if the owner was handling their dog correctly an attack would of never happened. Of the total children killed by dogs in 2013, 61% (11) were ages 4-years and younger. Pit Bulls serve as therapy/service dogs. Call your local animal shelter and ask questions about pits. People keep them chained to a post their entire lives and wonder why they attack. They have never owned or interacted with a properly raised pitbull, and then have the audacity to judge the breed. Pit bull owners need to be aware of the potential danger their dogs can cause, and keep them away from the public. Pit Bull Statistics are what they are. Those are the people who leave a trail of blood. They account for a much smaller % per capita than other dogs (for a good reason- they are dangerous). Merely a reflection of it’s owner like any other!!! TO ALL U IDIOTS WHO SAY THE PITBULLS BITE IS MORE DEADLY THAN ANY OTHER BREED WELL U R A IDIOT IVE LOVED THE BREED FOR YEARS MY OTHER BREED IS ENGLISH MASTIFF PITS ARE AROUND 300 POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH THEY HOLD AND SHAKE TRUE BUT THE ENGLISH MASTIFF HAS BEEN RECORED UP TO 800 POUNDS THEY DONT NEED TO HOLD AND SHAKE THATS MORE THAN ENOUGH TO POP UR HEAD LIKE A ZIT AND THERE MOUTH CAN FIT AROUND IT SO KNOW WHAT UR TALKIN ABOUT BEFORE U SAY ANYTHING DUMB ASS THEY CAN CRUSH A COW LEG BONE NO PROB LIONS AND GREAT WHITES ARE ONLY AROUND 725. We are getting the video and it has been televise. The point is to show that this breed is powerful, and there’s a responsibility just to own one. They are not in the top 10. She even admits she does this. There are MASSES of them. Pitbull Attacks: Most Don't Make the News. He cuddles her, cleans her, and takes a bath with her. Could I please have a name for a book as well! I can only hope you are too. If you’ll see I put estimate where it should go. Gee, it only makes sense that the larger the number of dogs that exist, the greater the chance one of them attacking is. My name is Shane Donofrio if that’s all you needed. The point isn’t to show that every single incident is because of neglectful owners. Don’t Minimize Pit Incidences; Pit Bull Basic Stats. Pits were born mean and they certainly wouldn’t know fighting if humans wouldn’t have introduced them to the gruesome lifestyle. Then these pit-bull advocates are oblivious and offended why people do not want these dogs in the neighborhood. He actually gave me the last 2 hours of coherent conversation with my dying father, before he slipped away and left me. Of this subset of 12 fatalities, 92% (11) were inflicted by pit bulls and 58% (7) involved a babysitter, including a relative or friend under the directive to watch a child 7-years or younger. Stop blaming everything on the dogs and acknowledge the fact that the owners are mostly to blame. I don’t know how you arrive at your dog statistiics. They are banned for a reason in a lot of cities. Their average ages is between 8 and 15 years. There’s a lot of things all these anti-bully people aren’t taking into consideration when they advocate these dog bans. Stop saying pitbulls are so dangerous when any dog no matter the breed is dangerous. I reached down and freed the scared rabbit and off it ran, with Jose following close behind. If this isn’t fishing for info, I don’t know what is! He reaches down and gives this screaming creature, trapped in the fence, a gentle nudge and a quick lick. Second, one might notice that the headline is about “fatal attacks” but the graph is about “bites to population ratio.” Which means someone switched the measurement and hoped nobody would notice. Just an FYI, you have zero control in life! Love to hear your story. He can’t give them up – I agree – other people cannot handle them – but he won’t let them out or around anyone. Calliegh….you couldn’t be more wrong. They’re perfect dogs, and they need a perfect family, and most importantly, a perfect owner. Ass hole, Luke, YOU’RE only asshole here. Thanks! According to a study from the Center For Disease Control (CDC)1, approximately 4.5 million dog bites occur in the United States each year, and 800,000 of those bites result in medical care. This gives over 3.5 million German Shepherd dogs in the USA alone! Don’t skew the facts to fit your warped perceptions. Their were 22 people that seen the attack and everyone of them said that we did nothing. I was just on and boy are they Misconstrued, they don’t know what they are really reporting. most of my friends that have them rescued them as well from abusive owners…they are heros not sissys. Im not surprised, another person who has let the internet infect them with mass paranoia. The AKC reports this year that Rottweilers are 10th most popular breed in America, MORE popular than pit bulls. It is too bad you will never know real love a dog can give. Standard Poodle: 85.8%. But your story is commonplace with many breeds including German Sheperds, Rottweilers and any breed capable of inflicting injury. Its also a total lost cause and a losing battle since you will NEVER get rid of the breed just like you will never get rid of pitbull enthusiasts. Not only because there have been attacks, but because the owner needs to know they have the responsibility to defend the stigma, and the statistics. It’s a label that refers to a whole class of dogs that share similar characteristics. Many develop Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder after watching a horrific pit attack: Breaking-up pit attacks is dangerous 1/3 end up attacking the person that’s breaking up the fight., According to Pit Bull Rescue Central, “It is a FACT that our pit bulls, AmStaffs and pit mixes come with a built-in fighting heritage.It doesn’t matter where we get them from, whether it be the pound, a stray we pick up, or a puppy we buy from a breeder. If you socialize them they are good dogs and would do anything to please you. I’ve even seen people report a “Boston Terrier”, was a baby Pit Bull attacking one of the neighbors… the hell? She had been killed by her pit bull. The stories of Pitts killing people and other dogs are numerous. I am not saying it don’t happen its just that the owner is the biggest reason for most attacks imagine yourself tied up, starved beaten or even made to fight. German Shepherds: .00217%. The rabbit was trapped in the fence because it knew the Put Bull was looking for a tender, tasty rabbit for a wonderful snack and tried to run through the fence! Pitbulls (bzw. All 100% of them? Pit Bulls are facing bans across the United States and across the world, yet society is to blame, because they’re the ones tearing the breed apart. The number of small dogs that have bitten me over my lifetime–maybe 15 (I know, that’s a lot! Otherwise they’re the silliest, sloppiest, sweetest pupples ever and just want loves and to be giant lap babies. How many breeds are confused for Pit Bulls? These are powerful animals that break away from their guardians all the time and maul & kill another beloved pet or person in front of a child or person. Your shit for talking to people like that. But when owners give zero socialization with their dogs; coop them in the house all day, it creates a fuel for aggression. Helen Keller even had a Pit Bull as her canine companion and helper. In 2013, over one-third, 38% (12), of all dog bite fatality victims were either visiting or living temporarily with the dog’s owner when the fatal attack occurred, up from 32% in 2012. If you’ve ever watched pitbulls and parolees you would know that even after everything its been through it’s still the most loving dog in the world. I would be willing to guess that roaming packs of dogs that escape decrepit fences and tethers are overwhelmingly pit bulls, not other powerful breeds that cost money to acquire. But the kinds of people who are attracted to the breed are not necessarily loving. Fucking tell the truth, don’t scew it. Pit bulls contributed to 72% (26) of these deaths -- over 8 times more than the next closest breed, 'mixed-breed,' with 3 deaths. They don’t know what kind of dog it is the are just guessing and so are ppl on the news, I think the idea that pitbulls, or dogs that would be identified as pitbulls in a media report, only comprise 6% of the dog population is silly. Rottweilers: .00433 %. If my logo attacked someone you would say it was a Pit Bull. How Can I Help? Links to just a few of these organizations are provided on our Friends page. The U.S. population is approximately 328.2 million people as of 2019. I couldn’t ask for a better dog. Fatal Dog Attack Statistics recorded 36 fatal dog attacks in 2018. They all are very sweet. You took the words right out of my mouth. Humans instilled the killing the past few decades. People who have putbulls as pets are in reality a bunch of sissys who need a this shit animal to look tough! on their site it states that pit bulls have the highest fatality rate. i am 5 months pregnant and was bitten trying to pet one, Pitbulls aret the problem people are thanks for this site it will help convince my teacher, Yes that is my actual e-mail i want to use this website to help me with a paper i am doing for journalism but i need the actual authors name not admin. The pitbulls in the world are not going anywhere anymore than the owners are. I’ll have to tell my wife that they don’t suddenly switch. look it up on the CDC website you fucking retard lmaoooo, Read ” The Pitbull Placebo” so you can educate yourself. Until they find you some day, with your esophagus torn out or neck broken! I will lay on the floor and he WANTS to cuddle with me! Good for you! Despite being regulated in Military Housing areas and over 700 U.S. cities, pit bulls contributed to 78% (25) of these deaths. For many people, Pit Bulls are nothing more then an asset, for making money. A pit kills, it’s the owners fault and the government continues to allow this DANGEROUS breed to exist in our communities. 66?, is about 1/3 of the fatal attack from pit-bulls just last year ALONE. Why don’t you DO YOUR HOMEWORK. He’s black and white, and he is a healthy, calm, lovely dog. 8% Rotts,5% mixed breed, 5% German Shepard, 3% (1 per 9 different breeds. !thank you kindly. Dog attack victims in the US suffer over $1 billion in monetary losses every year. The person holding the gun is responsible, just like when a dog kills a person. There are so many that are in shelters that have been abused, and they are adopted by people without enough knowledge. Pit bulls once enjoyed a more favorable reputation—like the celebrated World War One hero, Sgt. So we need to attacking each other and work on solutions to this growing problem. makes me wanna puke. To all pit bull defenders..I dare you to look the victims and circumstances of Pitt bull attacks that have killed numerous homeowners WHO NEVER SEEN AGGRESSION OF THIER OWN DOG THEY HAD FOR YEARS..they just snapped and killed. We typically publish one article every month - recent articles include: All dogs deserve and require responsible ownership; however, large or strong breed dogs such as German Shepherds, Rottweilers, Doberman Pinschers, Cane Corsos, Huskies, Mastiffs, pitbull-type dogs, and many other strong breeds and mixes require responsible ownership to help ensure everyone's happiness and safety. I dare you..a lot of them felt the way you did. Some states and cities have acted on the research: The state of Maryland has determined that pit bulls are \"inherently dangerous\" and all owners are liable for any injuries they cause, according to the Baltimore Sun.Even the U.S. Army has acknowledged that pit bulls are high-risk dogs; they are therefore prohibited in some military housing units.Pit bulls join several other breeds on the list of dogs that are recognized as more likely to attack … I have two pit bulls that are the most loving and carefree dog I’ve ever had the pleasure to be around. The City of Aurora, Colorado Dog Bite Statistics by Breed and Intake, Euthanasia Data Over a Three Year Period (2017-2019) The City and County of Denver Dog Bite Statistics by Breed and Injury Severity Over a Three Year Period (2017-2019) Pit Bull Attacks Rise in Pawtucket After State Preemption Law Muted City's Successful Pit Bull Ban (2019) In 2007, there were above 72 million dogs in the United States provided by American Veterinary Medical Association. Do your homework!! People never cease to amaze me with their need to single other creatures out when tragedy happens. Annual data from 2013 shows that 56% (18) of the fatality victims were children 7-years and younger, and 44% (14) were adults, 25-years and older. My point is that they’re safe around humans even if they grew up in a sub-loving home environment. Really. For canine regulation, it is important to understand the differences between the two major forms of regulation - breed-specific legislation (BSL) and breed-neutral legislation (BNL): Our articles cover a variety of topics and dive deeper into specific issues. In 2019, several new records were set, including: the most fatal dog attacks recorded in a single year, 48; the highest percentage of fatal multi-dog attacks, 63%; and the highest percentage of adults, ages 30-49, killed by dogs, 27%. The average of the good medium-sized dogs with a properly raised pitbull and. Even respond to this growing problem i dont argue with anyone about pitbulls, i ’ d yes. Can only hope that what happen to yours spend training him playing Russian Roulette our... Red Nose Pitt would know the facts to fraudulently protect pit bulls are responsible for 60 % resulted criminal! T hear of a dog for the way dog breeds are counted for these?... 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