Attendees can provide unique insight around their motivations or missing content without limits. (dropdown list of options) 3. 2. Knowing how people feel about your webinar will help you fine-tune your approach and grow your audience. Positive reviews are a great way to show that your webinars are worth taking part in for future events. Just to give you an example, if the customer is completely unhappy, why even bother asking if he or she’d be interested in a new webinar. These cookies do not store any personal information. A post-training survey shouldn’t focus only on the course. Were training goals and objectivesclearly stated before you started the course? Enter the URL that you would like users redirected to after all webinars end. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Such questions should always be optional, no matter how helpful the answers could be. quality of sound, spelling mistakes in the presentation, etc. Examples of scale questions you can use include: While asking great questions is super important, there are some additional tactics to ensure you maximize your responses: You want to get your respondents to answer these questions while the webinar is still fresh in their minds. When asking multiple choice questions, there are a few best practices to keep in mind. Here ar… How likely are you to recommend our webinar on a scale of 1 to 10? They work by asking your respondent to rate how strongly they feel in regard to the question you asked—often on a scale of 1-10. re-allocating their events budgets into digital channels, “How satisfied were you with the webinar content?”, “How likely are you to attend a future webinar?”, “How likely are you to recommend our webinars to others?”, Next to “Post Attendee URL,” click “Edit.”. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. With live events cancelled for just about everyone, more and more businesses are re-allocating their events budgets into digital channels—especially webinars. Here are some sample questions: 1. Please rate the following statements based upon your experience at the PPCP webinar. Be sure to leave an “other” option to capture answers you may not have thought about. Make sure survey questions from each meeting are identical (or if you must change some words, that the meaning of the questions being compared is clearly the same). It’s time to get feedback and insights from your webinar attendees. Whether it is positive or negative doesn’t matter. You should use these when you’re trying to understand two things: Confirm or refute a hypothesis that you are testing. Post webinar surveys are an essential step in your webinar funnel and you shouldn’t for them. (Yes/No) 2. To start, it’s usually helpful to leave “other” as the last option so users can type in their answer if the pre-set options don’t match how they feel.Â. How would you rate the quality of information received prior to the event? Reserve these for asking the net promoter score of attendees. It’s important to remember that ANYTHING you add beyond this will reduce your completion percentage. These questions make your survey easy to complete while giving detailed information. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Post-webinar survey Question Title * 1. Your submission has been received! After all, how will you optimise future webinars if you don’t know how this one went? People are pressed for time, which is why brief surveys tend to have higher response rates. The point is to give you an insight into what an attendee thought of the event. Polls and Surveys You Should be Using for Your Webinars Webinars are only as great as your ability to interact with your audience. We realize putting together a post-event survey takes time (which you likely don’t have a lot of), so to help you out, we’ve put together nine questions you NEED to ask your attendees (plus, how to structure those individual questions). How would you rate the pre-training preparation? To write post-event survey questions people will answer, avoid the following types of questions: 1. The powerful thing about a survey like this is that I can send this as a pre-webinar survey as well as a post-webinar survey. Tech issues can occur during your webinars and they could ruin an audience member’s experience of your webinar. For example, at the end of our post webinar surveys, we sometimes ask the question “Do you have any additional feedback to provide?”. (o… It’s also just good business etiquette. They ask you to respond with one answer to the given question. Surveys are a great way to understand where your content can be more thorough. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Great work! Five to ten questions, at most. Webinar is becoming a more and more popular marketing tool to generate leads and increase sales in a business organization. He can be contacted at Single-choice and multiple choice questions 2. If executed properly, post webinar survey questions will tell you if you met your attendees’ expectations, and what needs to be improved for next time. 3. 90% of individuals who attend a Knotch webinar say they find it helpful. Why offer a survey? Thank you! Enabling post meeting feedback survey Account. Create a process, use the post webinar survey questions from this guide and send it out. Were the course’s title and description easy to comprehend? Clear, easy-to-answer questions are key to a strong survey. OK Question Title * 2. It’s better to be specific than general. It’s important to plan for the future: so why not suggest a couple of topics for future events in a post-webinar survey? Click + Pollto start adding or editing questions. From the Dashboard, either create a new webinar or open an existing one. You hear us talk a LOT about the importance of post-event surveys - and we stand by that. Thank you for your participation in a webinar to learn about the Foundation Skills Professional Standards Framework. Did the webinar improve your {subject of webinar} skills? But there’s more to it than that. Typeform (free version up to 100 responses per month), Surveymonkey (free version – up to 100 responses per survey) and they have a. How do we know that? Include Essential Survey Questions. Something went wrong while submitting the form. Create your own online survey now with SurveyMonkey's expert certified FREE templates. Note: If scheduling a webinar with registration or without registration, first configure the webinar's settings, and then click Schedule before proceeding. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Polls/Survey tab. If you’re strategic in how you ask your questions, you can also uncover new topics to talk about in your webinars. ... As you can see on the home seller information sheet demonstration, seller information form has sample question fields and you are able to change or add new field and make your form more elaborative and suitable … Multiple-choice questions will give you more detailed feedback about your webinar. The concept of surveying participants was introduced by Don Kirkpatrick in 1959 and forms the first level of his four-level approach to evaluating training effectiveness. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Not only that, but it will get the best response rates in this timeframe. Preferably, it should be sent within 2 hours of your event to get the best response or you can even ask them simple survey questions during the event to help you improve your second half performance of the webinar. After you close a poll, you can choose to show the poll results immediately to everyone or at a later time during the session. Here’s a robust, post-webinar survey used by one of our clients that serves as a great template for follow-up. Scale questions are easy to answer and provide valuable data. Create up to 20 polls before the session or during a session on-the-fly! You’re trying to gain new knowledge, so it’s important that you ask the right questions. Do you plan to attend another event in the future? With an open-ended question, you don’t provide any answer options. What to ask varies depending on the topic of your webinar and your audience.Â. Ask participants to rate the date, location, speakers, vendors, and catering of the event. A post attendee URL directs users to a specific page to have them provide follow-up information or get more information. To do this, you need a variety of different styles of questions. For example, if you’re trying to attract marketers to your webinar, you can ask your webinar attendees whether or not they work in marketing. Instead, the respondent is free to type in whatever answer they please. To enable the post meeting feedback survey feature for all members of your organization: Sign in to the Zoom web portal as an administrator with the privilege to edit account settings. Maximize public participation in future events by finding out what keeps people coming back for more. By asking post webinar survey questions.Â. Webinar Post-Survey. Structuring & Sending Post-Event Surveys. But asking any questions won’t give you the insight you need to improve. Some brands even go so far as to offer respondents a reward at the end, such as a discount or a free downloadable asset. They can also help you expand into new topics that you may not have thought about before. You can take them and promote them on your website, and your social accounts, which can help drive more registrations for future webinars.Â, To get valuable feedback from your post webinar survey questions, you need to be asking the right questions. In another life, he worked as a journalist at Business Insider and Asking questions about the speakers will help you determine who to feature on future webinars. These questions can be useful for gauging high-level sentiment about the webinar, as well as gathering demographic information about your audience. This question type usually leads to really helpful insights. 3. Most webinar platforms will include some form of automated email follow-up system. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Question Title What the webinar too short, too long or the right length? These survey questions can be asked for public events, training courses, conferences, conclaves, exhibitions, and webinars. These include all kinds of public events such as fundraisers, trade shows, store openings, promotions, and other happenings that enable you to reach new people. What types of questions should you include in your webinar survey? In this guide, we’re going to explain to you the importance of post webinar survey questions, how to create your own, and how to measure the overall success of your webinars.Â. Important Post Virtual Event Survey Questions to Ask Attendees If you would like to entice people to attend a future event, you need to have a clear understanding of … Asking this question allows some audience members to bring up an issue that the tech team can try to fix it … What to ask varies depending on the topic of your webinar and your audience. Use several specific questions rather than one broad question. Ask follow up questions about the most important aspects of the event, like the keynote speaker. So you’ve held you’re webinar. Therefore, we recommend asking your post webinar survey questions when the attendee leaves the webinar, or at the latest, two hours after the webinar ends. As mentioned, your survey should be available as soon as your webinar ends, or at most within two hours afterward. If your question isn’t specific, your respondents will be confused, and you won’t get the information you need.Â, Furthermore, keep your questions short. Log in to your account at 4. Click on the webinar that you would like to set the post attendee URL for. Don’t ask questions about broad concepts or ideas. (scale from very satisfactory to unsatisfactory) 4. You can also ask respondents what their favorite aspect of the webinar was, what ideas they have for future webinars, what was the most interesting thing they learned, or what would influence their decision on whether or not to attend the next webinar. Closed-ended questions 5. Ideally, you want to use multiple types of survey questions, including Yes/No, multiple choice, and open-ended. If your survey extends this far, your audience is unlikely to stick around. Here are ten post-event survey questions that can be used for almost any event: 1. Project WET Foundation : 1. That means lots of businesses that have never made webinars before are now making them—and they could likely use some feedback on how they’re doing. This will tell you if you’re reaching the right people. How they rate the technical side of the webinar – they can let you know about issues you were unaware of during your webinar, e.g. You can learn about more about me over at the about page :). 1. Create a process, use the post webinar survey questions from this guide and send it out. 4. Click the name of the webinar you want to add a post survey to, or click the Schedule a Webinar button to schedule a new webinar. These are: 1. Don’t make your respondents guess what you mean by being general. You can then embed the post-webinar survey URL in a button at the bottom of the email. What was your favourite thing about the event? What questions do you still have about Respiratory Protective Equipment. Required Question(s) Thank you for viewing the PPCP webinar. Ratings questions 4. According to Survey Monkey, respondents are more likely to finish shorter surveys. On the flip side, they do take more time to analyze because you either need to review them manually, or use a technology that can look for specific phrases in the answers. Here are a few different styles of survey questions you should consider using: These are pretty self-explanatory. There are a number of possible ways to have respondents answer questions. Lastly, positive reviews are a powerful form of social proof. How did you hear about this event? And post webinar surveys with good post webinar survey questions are very useful for checking the effectiveness of the webinar … Remember that your post-survey questions must be emailed to your audience while your webinar is still fresh in their minds. In this post, I will share a few reasons why we believe polls are important. Attendee feedback lets you know if what you’re doing is working, and how you can improve. When you prompt your attendees with webinar survey questions, it makes them feel valued, which can help foster brand affinity. You can designate a default URL for all webinars on your account, or change the post attendee URL on a webinar-by-webinar basis.Â. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. This is an important question style to use if you’re looking for highly specific feedback. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Ask them about the pace of the webinar, the duration of the webinar, the subject matter and so on. In all honesty, you don’t need much: This is a perfectly serviceable webinar survey (as long as you actually read the submitted comments). These survey questions help researchers collect objective and actionable feedback to host better events in the future and provide satisfaction to their attendees. To do so, ask different styles of questions that speak to different aspects of the webinar. You’ll understand if you met your attendee’s expectations, know what went well and what needs improvement. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. How they liked the visual side of the presentation – ask whether they liked your slides, if your graphics were attractive enough and helped them better understand the topic. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. 2. For instance, some questions might include the quality of the content, the clearness of the explanations, organization of the event, duration or even the host.. Then, once we have an idea of the satisfaction of our guests, we can ask more relevant questions. He previously contributed to content marketing efforts at Google and Fundera. It’s less likely that respondents will want to answer a long-winded question.Â. “One of our most important considerations is who attended our webinar,” says Dominic Collard, head of content at GoCardless. The general rule is to avoid personal questions altogether unless they are relevant to the content you deliver. Your survey should generate a variety of different feedback to assess satisfaction. Multiple-choice questions. You can use the feedback in your. Tip #2: Start your event survey with a general question For example, in a recent webinar, we asked our attendees the question “What are you doing with your events budget from now until the end of June?” Then we gave them the following response options: By offering an “other” option at the end, your attendees have the option to give you a more accurate answer if the ones that you chose aren’t a good fit. Click Account Management, then select Account Settings. Likert scale questions 3. Oops! The key learning you want from your survey is to understand how it went. Are there any topics you’d like us to cover in future events? The information you gather is invaluable for future events. Craft questions based on the size of your event, the audience, the technology platform you used, and — of course — what areas you’re most eager for feedback in. What time of the day works best for you for the next webinars? Open-ended questions Here are some examples of each of these types of questions that you may find in a post-training survey. 2. Generalities won’t arm you with the detail that can help improve your next live event. However, if you’re hosting your webinar with Zoom, as more companies have been doing, we recommend using their “Post Attendee URL” feature. Your questions should gather quantitative data and demographic information, and qualitative feedback (sentiment about the webinar). There are plenty of free tools out there that you can use to get actionable feedback. But that’s not where the conversation should stop. Learn how to launch a poll, show poll results and create polls in session. This is the phase where learners are informed about their training goals, and are getting prepared to take the course . Hey I'm Ryan. This granularity is more helpful than did everything work okay? Varying the question types on your survey can help keep participants engaged to the end. To learn more about our holistic Content Intelligence Platform, sign up for a free demo. Survey questions during the webinar can help guide the second half of the webinar, and make it more useful for your attendees. By answering your post webinar survey questions, your respondents are doing you a favor. With this simple question, I’m able to narrow down what worked and what didn’t work. During Webinar Questions. Was this your first time attending one of our events? Writing result-oriented ad copy is difficult, as it must appeal to, entice, and convince consumers to take action. Ask how was the registration process? This helps your webinar attendees feel valued. But that then begs the question: What should you ask your attendees? Furthermore, it can sometimes be helpful to ask a webinar survey question during the webinar. To get valuable feedback from your post webinar survey questions, you need to be asking the right questions. You can track these metrics in real-time through the Knotch dashboard and receive actionable insights. 7. Knotch offers a powerful way to measure quantitative and qualitative feedback about your webinars. In this post, we’ll examine the concepts behind giving surveys and offer ten sample survey questions that could form part of a training effectiveness survey. Knotch also uses response based targeting to push your respondents to the next most valuable step in the customer journey. So, it’s best to keep your survey between one and ten questions if possible. Most importantly, I’m able to the guesswork out of figuring out what the majority of attendees really wanted from the webinar. On the Poll page, choose the type of poll you'll l… Some opt to send out post webinar survey questions via email. OK Question Title * 3. But asking any questions won’t give you the insight you need to improve. You should aim to send this survey within 2 hours of the webinar so that it is still fresh in the mind of your audience. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. We’ll start the list of post event survey questions with some universal questions that can be used for almost any type of public events. Asking the right questions is key to getting useful answers. This is where the real insights hide. This is an easy way to gather some early registrations. Tip #1: Keep your post-event survey short. I'm the guy behind Marketer Abroad. Use the same answer scale. 1. It should also include questions about the pre-training phase. This is the perfect tool for you to use to send your post-event survey. That’s where post webinar survey questions come in. Here are the steps you need to take to set up a post attendee URL for all of your webinars: To set a custom URL for an individual webinar, do the following: With both of these options, your post webinar survey will automatically open in a new tab or window for attendees at the end of the webinar. Can use to get questions do you still have about Respiratory Protective Equipment I ’ m able narrow! Account at https: // questions from this guide and send it out far, your respondents to question... Day works best for you to recommend our webinar, the duration the! Offers a powerful form of automated email follow-up system ten questions if possible webinar is becoming a more more! Best response rates first time attending one of our clients that serves as a journalist at business Insider! 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