Incline Dumbbell Chest Press 20. These rock!!). All you do here is do a normal push-up. Then using the arm that is in front of your chest push to rise up your body. Floor Flys [1:29 sec]: This push-up requires a sliding surface, either a piece of cardboard or a towel. So yeah! I find this can place a lot of strain on the shoulder, so I keep this exercise to 10+ repetitions. Then if you want bust out a ton of fast ones as a bonus with Tony. Same as DVD. . SHOULDERS TRICEps Imagine you are a quarterback and are throwing a bomb (throwing a football as far as you can). I love this!” – Charles Lloyd. But this one . Mass Phase P90X Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps Modifications ... 18. Do P90X Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps. Dumbbell Cross Body Blows Then you change that to military push-ups (your hands are close to your sides). I love workouts that are just absurd and I have found it. In earlier article I have mentioned my body is a endomorph / ectomorph split. This concludes my review on P90X Chest Shoulders and Triceps. Excited to do this for the first time tonight. The Plyo version is doing a push-up but throwing yourself off the ground so you’re completely airborne. Good job Joe, Keep up the work, drop me a line if you need anything. Thank you for the info/guidance. This was sort of the odd man out push-up. This exercise kicks serious ass with resistance bands. Need more P90X worksheets? With your weights or resistance bands, bring your arms out so they are parallel to the floor with your elbows in the up position. I believe this works better with resistance bands because the resistance increases as you go up. I appreciate it man! Great, Great Exercise. 18.Throw the Bomb. It’s finally over! Overhead Tricep Extension [43 sec]: Hold a heavy weight behind your head with both hands, and straighten your arms so that the weight is raised above your head. - Duration: 2:23. This was also done in the Shoulders and Arms day. Front to Back Triceps Extensions 22. Do a push-up, and at the top arch your back for height. Join Me. And if you start comparing labels, the P90X stuff seems pretty inferior. Tony says: The reason why chest, shoulders and triceps are in one workout together is because this is all about taking the energy and the resistance and pushing it all away from you. This is basically the same as a standard military press or shoulder press, but when you press up you come up in a Y-position. That said, the fifth week started out with a real bang with the P90X Chest, Shoulders and Triceps program. This destroyed me! Switch hands half way. Your blog is informative and interesting. Throw the Bombs; Plyo Push-Ups; Slow-Mo Throws; Front-to-Back Triceps Extensions; One-Arm Balance Push-Ups; Fly-Row-Presses; Dumbbell Cross-Body Blows; At least with Chest, Shoulders & Triceps, the number of TRX-ready P90X moves is dwarfed by the number of those that aren't particularly susceptible to TRX treatment. Throw the Bomb. ® • P90X Chin-Up Bar (+ Chin-up Max, if you struggle with pull-ups) • Bench or chair WORKshEET • ChEsT & BACK • DIsC 1 R: reps W: weight Get better results and recover faster! Incline Dumbbell Chest Press - Dumbbell chest press with torso at an inclined angle on the bench. My  personal favorites are all the interesting variations on tricep exercises; from Throw The Bomb to Side Tri Rise, you’ll be pushing and punishing your triceps every which way. The single mission of this website is very simple: Get You In Shape. The only difference between this and a normal push-up is you have your hands next to your rib cage, versus higher up. And that’s why it works. I just had to throw “the BOMB” in there, I loved my workout this morning. I’m now in my second round of P90X doing “doubles” and utilizing a much healthier diet. Great resource. If you want tone, pick a lower weight and do higher reps. Julie and I outlined this in Bench Tricep Dips here. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. I finished week 4 and did Yoga X and Core synergistics yesterday and then today was the start of phase 3. Same here. One Arm Balance Push-Up [1:29 sec]: Do a push-up then roll over to one side and lift a hand to the sky. I thought after phase 1, that I was ready to crush this DVD. One Arm Balance Push Ups = 13 Military Style (with Leg Raise) Fly Row Presses = 12 Reps at 10 lbs. Throw the Bomb. Fly-Row-Presses. Meaning instead of only going back behind your head, you also go in front of your face. You know the drill by now. Throw the Bomb [1:08 sec]: Stand in a boxer’s stance, hold a light weight in one hand overhead, and cock it back as if about to throw it. Oh boy more Push-ups! WORKSHEET WORKSHEET WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 9 WEEK 11 WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 9 WEEK 11 This routine is … Use your arm that is off the ground to place is on the ground in front of your chest or wherever is comfortable, and then uses your arms that are already on the ground to grab your shoulder. Haha I know exactly what you are talking about Joe, first time I did P90X I was all amped up when I got past Phase 1…..Just like you I was thinking I was about to to breeze through Phase 2…then I felt like I got punched in the face Mike Tyson and got put back in my place. Extend the arm, then return it to the cocked position. If we neglect this, we can’t develop the shoulders and the chest as well. Then come up to a side plank as we see Julie here doing side planks. I’m currently in week 5 of rd 2, and continuing to get results/improvements. Extend the arm, then return it to the cocked position. ... 3lb weighted arm circles 12 - 7lb throw the bomb 10 clap pushups girly 10 - 7lb slo-mo throw 10 - 5lb front to back tricep extension 10 one arm balance pushup 10 - 7lb fly row press Throw the Bomb Clap or Plyo Push Ups Slow Mo Throws Front to Back Triceps Extensions One Arm Balance Push Ups Fly … These final exercises will allow anybody to push their limit, and the rest of us to struggle and strain and feel a sense of accomplishment for even just hanging in there. If you have resistance bands they are exactly the same- “These are more commonly called “Skull Crushers.” If you’re using dumbbells while lying down you extend your arms straight up and only using your triceps you bring the weight down to the sides of your face and back up again. Do a push-up, and do the other side. The only difference is you’re not using a football – you are using a weight. This is sort of like the Scarecrow and Throw the Bomb put together. Clap or Plyo Push-Ups. I have never done push-ups this way but Julie teaches this in her boot camp classes. If you’ve made it this far you should be in great shape and ready for it, or at least think you are. I’m on my knees. The Chest, Shoulders & Triceps workout is is my least favorite P90X strength training workout. During the chest/shoulders/triceps day of that phase, Tony instructs you to do a modified, above the head triceps extension, called Throw the Bomb. With the bands you stand up and do the same thing, except you are bringing the bands behind your head. I’ve been utilizing it as a reference for quite some time. Lift them again out to the sides to shoulder height, and then lower them again. The standard or Clap versions is you do a push-up but throw yourself up in the air and do a clap, come back down and do it again. I don’t know if I was just tired or what, but for whatever reason, this workout was the hardest for me by a long shot. The stretches begin with some head rolls of various kinds, and then some shoulder rolls, both forward and back. Last week, I started my second “block” or phase of P90X. Not true. Weighted Circles + Throw The Bomb. Throw the Bomb - P90x Style! I have done millions of these and this is one of the staples of my normal workouts.” – Charles  (Julie’s too :)). But a great exercise. Fly, Row, Press 24. Then you change your grip to a standard push-up when your hands are at shoulder width. Clap or Plyo Push Ups = 15 (+2 Bonus) Front to Back Tricep Extensions = 12 Reps (each side) at 15 lbs. You stop when you can’t do any more. Hold a light weight you’re your head, and elevate it back as if about to throw it. Chair Dips [50 sec]: Place your hands behind you on a chair’s edge, and then lower yourself. Not true. I was pretty much done after this exercise. If you’re using dumbbells, this is just like throwing Cross-Body punches with dumbbells. P90X Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps Review Pablo 2013-01-23T11:24:03-05:00. Then raise them so that the weights are up, but keep the elbows stationary. pushups liked to kill me today. Raise them back up to a straight arm, and keep your elbows in place. I will note where. The only difference is you’re not using a football – you are using a weight. Enjoy this workout. Triceps, Shoulders, Arms, Abs - Duration: 0:38. I am going to do this workout again later in the week and confirm if it was just as hard. This is where the resistance bands really show their superiority, the more you throw out the harder the resistance. I didn’t discuss 1 arm push-ups for a reason. Boy, I was wrong. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! As a result I was having minor back problems and getting flabby. One Arm Push-Ups [46 sec]: Get really wide feet, go down on one arm, and switch every other push-up. this was THE one. I would give it 6 Charles Faces but due to company policy that is not allowed. Need more P90X worksheets? Pike Press [48 sec]: Go into downward dog, butt in the air, feet on tiptoes, and lower your head to the floor for a push-up. Dumbbell Cross Body Blows [57 sec]: Lie on your back and throw punches at the sky with weights in your hands. It’s a smoking shoulder workout. This program made me long for the first Phase’s Chest and Back DVD. :p. Interested? Dumbbell Cross-Body Blows. So have fun! If I wasn’t done already then I didn’t express my tiredness in the 2-twitch push-up. P90X2 Review – Shoulders + Arms + The BOMB. I have been blessed with the gift of good health and want to share it with you. So it’s very important to work out the triceps as much or as hard as we do everything else. Throw the Bomb. Self processed fitness missionary and author of most of the ridiculous fitness articles written on Charles Lloyd It works out some serious pectoral muscles and triceps as auxiliary and practically killed me. It was nice to have a “recovery week” at the end of the first block. You start out with a normal push-up but with one hand on the piece of cardboard you slide out with your hand then push yourself up then slide back in. I’m actually kinda grateful for that because it’s where I need the most help, and I know it. Do 4 of these with each hand then switch arm. Here, you need a piece of cardboard or something that will slide easily on the floor. we start out with a bang. This is a great bodyweight exercise. In & Out (Not the hamburger) Shoulder Fly, Insanity – Max Cardio Conditioning – Review. Throw the Bomb 19. Place your other hand on your shoulder. This was also done on the Shoulder and Tricep Days, but were called Lying-down Tricep extensions. One-Arm Balance Push-Ups. “Davey”), Phil, and Laura (an older woman who survived P90X with her daughter; no her daughter is not on any of the instructional DVD’s). It was an incredible challenge, and one I found myself struggling to complete some of the exercises described. Sweet review! When your arms are in front of you, bring your hands back to your ears then go back to the parallel position with your arms in front of you, then bring your arms back down to your sides. As you may remember, the sheer number of push ups requires a woman, no matter how strong, to eventually drop to her knees to pump them out. These weren’t as hard as I thought they were going to be. I’ll post some more remarks as I continue on into the program. Sit on your heels and finish of with your child’s pose. Bend your arm so that the weight is lowered behind your head. 18 TRICEPS - Throw the Bomb 19 CHEST - Clap or Ptya Push-Ups 20 SHOULDERS - Throws 21 TRICEPS - Front-to-Back Triceps Extensions 22 CHEST - One—Arm Balance Push-Ups 23 SHOULDERS - Fly-Row-Presses 24 TRICEPS - Dumbbell Cross-Body Blows / 13 Warm-LP (8:52) j 24 zo 2-0 R R 20 R 30 Water Break (0:53) -2-0 10 13 16 RIO w w 2-0 10 R IOW R RIO w You have done all these before; you are just combining them. ® • P90X Chin-Up Bar (+ Chin-up Max, if you struggle with pull-ups) • Bench or chair WORK shEET • C hEsT & BACK • DI sC 1 R: reps W: weight Get better results and recover faster! As you will notice, a lot of the exercises are incorporated from some of the other P90X workouts. P90X Chest Exercises - All the moves in 2 Minutes! All I can say is that my body felt the “shock” after a week of cardio, yoga, and core synergistics. Throw The Bomb = 10 Reps (each side) at 20 lbs. By far the best workout of the P90X series. Flat Dumbbell Chest Press 23. The P90X supplements are more expensive. Side Tri-Rise [1:21 sec]: Lie on your side, legs extended out at a 30 degree angle, and press your hand against the floor to raise your torso off the ground. . The best part of P90X is this – here is where it just gets out of hand. If you want size, pick a heavier weight and do lower reps. Just keep doing what you do. I’m a P90X disciple, and caught this reference back when I first started the second phase. I was like what in the hell have i done to myself. After you come out of that, you do a side lateral raise. Get your P90X work outs today. Do a final 3 sets at military push-up width, still going slow. This one seriously kicked my ass. The challenges found within are enough to test anybody, even a fitness fanatic, so prepare to push yourself. So what did I love about this workout? No more than 1 hour after exercise, drink 12 ounces of water mixed with 2 scoops of P90X Results and Recovery Formula®. Then you jog with knees wide, then heels to butt. P90X Round 2 Classic Day 66 (part 2) Chest, shoulders and triceps Mood - Rrrrrumble! © Copyright 2010-2020 Extreme Fitness Results L.L.C. We all want em, we all focus on it, but most rarely see the kinds of gains they want, but the P90X arm exercises can change all that. 37 mins 45 secs, Intense. An Independent Team Beachbody Coach, P90X Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps Review. Most guys think the biceps is the only way to add size to your arms. Slow-Mo Throw. P90X Final and This Month's Rotation. Y-Press [39 sec]: Stand straight, hold the weights by your side, and then elevate them into a shoulder press, but push them out wider than shoulder height to simulate a capital Y. With some of the most advanced bicep and tricep moves backed by years of scientific reseach, you are getting some of the most functional fitness application with the P90X arm exercises. P90X Round 2 Classic Day 46 Workout - Chest, shoulders & Triceps Mood - Good Wt - 116 ... 12 - 5lb Throw the bomb 5 Clap/Plyo pushups 10 - 5lb Slow-mo throw 20 - 5lb Front to back tricep extensions 0 - One arm balance pushup 15 - 5lb Fly-row press 25 - 5lb Dumbbell cross body blows Throw The Bomb = 8 Reps (each side) at 20 lbs. If you choose the right weight, it will seriously burn after a few seconds. Do some reach and chest stretches, and then segue into some arm rotations. Dumbbell Cross Body Blows = 10 Reps (each side) at 20 lbs.Ending with Ab Ripper X I never thought about doing it. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Scarecrows [49 sec]: Get some light weights, stand straight, and hold your arms out to your sides, forearms vertical so your hands are pointed at the ground. Front to Back Tricep Extensions [1:22 sec]: Stand straight, hip cocked out to one side, elbow pointing at the sky, and lift and lower a weight behind and before your head. The only difference is you are standing up if you have dumbbells. The warm up for this workout is about 8:45 minutes, and kicks off with high knees, and then transition into jogging on the spot. Reverse curl back down. Here you pick your number and stick with it. Lift them stiff arm before you to shoulder height, then lower then. If you are using dumbbells, you’re doing the Skull Crushers I just mentioned. Throw the Bomb. P90X, on the other hand, is designed with a different purpose. The slow twitch is exactly the same as the slow-motion push-ups you did earlier. Interlace fingers before you and roll shoulders forward, and then behind your back and stretch our your shoulders and pec. On your back for height ) at 20 lbs and this Month 's Rotation twitch Speed push-ups 46. 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