Running a SWOT analysis and conducting a competitive analysis (NapoleonCat’s Analytics will help you see where you stand compared to other influencers) is a great start. Your followers could be thrilled with something new, and you might even reach new audiences. Join LinkedIn and Facebook groups. For a long time, when I considered myself “small”, I didn’t have the confidence to ask for money. Just be you, be authentic and friendly. Dashboards update automatically, so you can give your business partners (brands or agencies) easy access to up-to-date info on specific sponsored posts or an entire influencer marketing campaign. Good practices for creating client-agency connection Make sure that “It’s a match!” Brands tend to select agencies based on portfolios, communication, previous campaigns, and/or recommendations. Thanks so much for leaving such a sweet comment 🙂 Yes, I have to create a post surrounding rate cards and pitch soon but I’d say the most important thing is to keep your reaching out really authentic to your style and tone, who you are etc. Product collaboration deals can be structured in various ways. Go to industry events, travel expos and meetups to network with business owners and marketers. A few that come to mind are FameBit, TapInfluence, and many many more! Often brands treat bloggers as a way to advertise cheaply. Sending a professional offer or a comprehensive set of up-to-date statistics can increase your chances of being selected for a particular social media campaign. Sometimes it’s good to collaborate with brands for free if you’re just beginning to get a little Instagram collab experience under your belt and showcase to other brands you are in demand! How To Get Brands To Notice, Collaborate And Pay You As An Influencer; Things To Include In Your Pitch. The chance to collaborate with brands is fun, but if you’re an influencer, blogger, artist (or trying to become one, learning how to be one), etc then you’ve probably already understood that there’s lots of incredible content, stiff competition in the online marketing world and seemingly, not much useful first-hand guidance on the tips and tricks to look out for when looking at how and when to contact a brand, or advice on what to do when a brand contacts you. Look for “ press ” or “ contact ” usually bigger brands will see you coming, and have this featured on their website. The results can be deplorable: burning the brand’s marketing budget, putting off their target audience, damaging their brand image, or discouraging both sides from getting involved in influencer marketing in the future – just to name a few. Influencers should stay true to their creative expression while making sure they understand the needs of brands and agencies. 9 times out of 10, I delete these types of e-mails quickly because I don’t appreciate being treated like part of a massive PR push just to see who will bite the carrot. Later have wonderful articles on this and more. Unfortunately, it’s not a specific person’s email. There are a few common mistakes that both brands and influencers make that can impact the outcome of influencer marketing campaigns. Write a short and catchy subject line. We’ve decided to help you out a bit, showing which factors of a marketing campaign are crucial and how you can get into collaborating with brands. You can unsubscribe at any time. Will it elevate your brand by working with them? I usually go to the brand’s website and search at the bottom for a “contact” page, or “press” or “media”. I’ve also googled “brand’s name + media contact” and can usually find a contact page that way. The first step in contacting brands is to send a warm e-mail. This is why NapoleonCat is over the moon to announce the launch of Dashboards for influencers – a feature you never knew you always needed. Most of the people working at these places are online these days though – so with a little research through avenues like Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook you can at the very least find the name of the person in charge of Influencer Outreach, PR, Social Media Coordinator, Brand Rep and so forth. It has been a week already and you don’t know if your posts are bringing in results. Customized versions tailored to specif brands are always welcome. Any time you are paid, sponsored, given anything for free, in-kind, gifted etc to collaborate with brands. On others, you can even write to the brands yourself and pitch an idea for collaboration. and then i promote their clothes on my ig. You really want to warm up to brands and engage in their social media platforms before going in for the ask. Do your research on the brand, maybe point out something in their philosophy that resonates with you. Go the extra mile and look for their e-mail address. Does this actually make sense and is there a natural synergy? Required fields are marked *. As you start to work with brands that collaborate with bloggers, you can set yourself apart by creating a positive experience for the companies you work with. That will give you an indication of whether you want to be part of that tribe and jump on a collaboration. There are many wannabe influencers who think that featuring specific types of content or keeping a consistent tone of voice is enough to be successful. I say warm because a cold e-mail would be something you send to a big time blogger or some CEO you’ve never met or encountered. Don’t ramble, beat around the bush, don’t suck up or shower with compliments. There are so many ways to collaborate, and it is essential that brands try it as much as possible. Other questions that will help you make a decision are: How big is the brand? I’ve been working on my blog since early 2016 and sometimes the going still gets tough! Include what you can bring to the brand and don’t be afraid to reach out. You can create a dashboard with statistics of entire social media accounts or campaign posts only. Content has been published, there is some promotion going on, but it’s not bringing in the desired conversions, and the target audience seems rather uninterested in your marketing activity. Then, as time wore on, I realised that I work really really hard at making original, authentic, captivating content. So, write down the top brands you want to work with along with ideas of how you would promote their product. However, you still need to meet quite a few criteria before you become an influencer marketing pro. While monitoring is important throughout any campaign, influencer marketing reports are particularly important to brands – they give them access to data they can’t fetch themselves and provide insights as to whether a particular campaign’s results justify the spend. Have a quick peek and see if you can find who else is working with the brand contacting you. Recognizing your strengths and unique qualities will help you define why you’re the right fit for brands within a specific niche. Even a single Instagram post can provide a lot of valuable insights that can potentially help you boost your engagement rates and lay the grounds for establishing relationships with a particular brand. However, meeting all of these requirements can be difficult if that understanding factor is missing. Some of these platforms are more “elite” than others and require vetting and consideration before they accept you as part of their network however, using these platforms is one of the ways I collaborate with brands and make most of my income as a blogger, so they’re important and they work. Dashboards make reporting easier. Collaborating with influencers generate a targeted-consumer base for your brand. Of course, know your value, but treat these additional deliverables as an investment and the brand will most likely appreciate your efforts. And the story begins with the idea for a campaign but continues with choosing and verifying the best influencers. Get up-to-date social media marketing tips delivered straight to your inbox. So, make the effort to personalise and acknowledge the person on the other side. However, imagine the following scenario. These users can influence the online marketing of your product and services. Influencer marketing strategies are effective when planned, analyzed and reported correctly. Are you ready to give them specific, detailed information about your social media profiles and provide them with appropriate pricing? If brands reach out to me but are sending me codes to purchase their clothes is that how it works? Find out how we manage your personal data. Thanks for sharing your tips with us, so helpful! Always verify the authenticity and best practices of a brand. driving their audience to you also)? Don’t forget to always play by the rules Brands want to work with influencers who are professional from day one. Many factors come into play when it comes to successful influencer marketing. In influencer marketing, content matters a lot, but there are more factors that contribute to success. I write this list down in The Content Planner because there’s a specific ‘Hitlist’ section prior to each month. To collaborate with brands is kind of a thing in blogger land. So: It’s TOTALLY FINE to ask for compensation. Not only is that annoying and frustrating to us influencers who are busy building our audience organically, but it’s also completely meaningless to collaborate (unless they pay a pretty little penny and that’s the only thing you’re looking for). You’ll post a photo wearing the brand and tag them in the photo. Do some research and experiment a little. I found it on Pinterest 🙂 I’m thinking about getting into the social media and influencer world but I wanted to know more about it I guess first. The best tactic is to reach out to brands (when possible) to secure collaborations, and forgo the middleman! How to Collaborate With Brands: a Guide for Influencers. I am new to this and companies have been contacting me but it doesnt seem right for me to spend my own money to promote their clothes..right? It is beneficial both for social media influencers (providing you with more control over the way your social media success is perceived by professionals) and brands (providing them with more control over the ROI of potential marketing campaigns). DON’T just send one of those awful “blanket e-mails” (we all know what they are, just sounds like you’re everyone’s B). “Old, wise influencers” say: “Always have a proposal at your disposal”. Try to follow these steps while collaborating with a brand, it … Your email address will not be published. A gifting collaboration is when a brand offers you free product in exchange for social media exposure on your Instagram or blog. It will also hint at the scale of collaboration that the brand is operating which will in turn help you decide on what terms and conditions to present to them. Follow the hashtags that brands sometimes include in their pitch. Posts had less than 1K likes and almost no comments (under 5 on most) which is an insanely low proportion! Who To Collaborate With. In Dashboards,  data is presented in an appealing way and can once and for all successfully replace messy screenshots and PPTX files. How to “Zoom In” and Collaborate With Fellow Entrepreneurs BlogHer - Nikki Brown “In an era of selfies, personal branding, media bubbles, custom playlists, and entertainment-pods-for-one, COVID-19 has awakened in some of us the … I have been asked a lot about how I started working with brands and making money with my instagram. I’ve read a few blogs about getting your pitch right, or creating custom rate cards, do you have examples of this? Your audit should leave you with some ideas for improving your strategy – it’s never too late to make some changes! There’s been some curiosity about how I go about running my business, whether I reach out, brands contact me and so on. But when I began to look a little closer at each post, I noticed a huge red flag. Approach marketing agencies that specialise in travel and tourism. Similarly, sending unprofessional or messy materials can put off potential business partners. By clicking Subscribe, you agree to join our mailing list.Find out how we manage your personal data. Measuring Instagram statistics is one of the keys to success when it... Instagram is famous for the heart button users can double-tap posts to... Legend has it that behind every piece of social media content there... We use cookies so we can better understand how NapoleonCat’s website and application is being used, provide more personalised experience and marketing communication. As a social media influencer, you need to show that you’re the right person to do the job. Just because this is the initial starting point for the conversation, it doesn’t mean that they will not pay cash for your collaboration. If you are only starting out with influencer marketing, then it is likely that you haven’t cracked it quite yet. It took me a long … Don’t be afraid to politely say no (I talk a little bit about the art of saying no here!). Take a closer look at your social media presence. Read our privacy policy to learn more. But don’t be lured into wasting time with products or services just because they’re free, because you could be spending that time making amazing content that focuses on YOUR BRAND. Without access to in-depth insights, brands and agencies can struggle with evaluating influencers. In this post you are going to walk away with: a free media kit However, these days it can be a struggle to find the right fit – there are simply so many great influencers out there. X, Hi Lee! It can give you a chance to build a larger community, it will challenge your creativity and grow your presence on social media. Lately, I’ve been asked about my process of brand connections as a blogger, influencer and content creator. Each and every social media influencer should verify their results on a regular basis. While promises and words say a lot, nothing speaks louder than… numbers. What’s your personal brand and strategy? All of this makes you memorable, more likely to work with the brand again, and also gives you a better chance of being reposted. Be proactive. Yet, I was struggling to find some brands to collaborate with. I’ve been contacted for some of the randomest things from colored contact lenses to bean bags, none of which I find particularly exciting and I doubt would resonate much with my audience. Custom rate cards are pretty simple to create on programs like Powerpoint (Photoshop too but it can be a little trickier). With professional reports, you can validate your social media statistics and look more trustworthy in the eyes of brands. I’ve broken it down into the two most common scenarios: Brand Reaches Out To Me and I Reach Out To Brand. Everyone wants to win: brands want to showcase their services and meet their business objectives, influencers want to make money or get free products, and the target group wants to experience fun content that doesn’t feel like straight-up advertising. For example, a clothing brand will send you one or more pieces to style on your Instagram account. Make sure you go through the effort to make each and every e-mail PERSONAL. While probably won’t get a million new followers overnight, you might see a peak in your statistics and become an interesting pick for influencer marketing requests. But yes, you’re right, some brands do operate that way, it’s just a question of how you want to work with them. They weren’t a name I had ever heard of but they had over half a million followers on IG, which is a very difficult feat. I then decided to keep my blog less commercial. And a word of advice: it’s better to for influencers to work directly with brands so you can develop an ongoing relationship that leads to more paid collaborations. The struggle of collaborate wit brands. Once you create a Dashboard, the data updates automatically. Do not be scared of going the extra mile when it comes to influencer marketing activities. It just cheapens your brand, I think, so I avoid it! You are trying to wrap up a business deal — and a business deal is rather professional, so a collaboration request should be coming through a professional e-mail address. If you have no access statistics, reports, or monitoring, getting to the source of the problem is going to be very difficult for everyone involved. Easily build and share comprehensive data dashboards. That’s why I made myself a neat little Rate Card/Media Kit (and I plan to make a dedicated blog post on how to make one of these! Measure social media marketing performance, Service multiple clients using one platform, Professionalize your collaborations with brands. Influencer marketing has been rocking the online world for some time now. However, if this is a brand you really want to work with and absolutely love their jam then by all means, go ahead and discuss gifting/free promo exchange, there’s no harm in it. What are some examples of vanity metrics, though? 4. You don’t want to be wasting time working with fakers (brands also check your authenticity so the same applies the other way around). Understanding mutual interests is vital for influencer campaigns to be successful. With Dashboards, brands can easily verify social media influencers, filter out those who would not add any value to their planned influencer marketing campaigns, and validate their choices. Remember, brand reps comb through hundreds of e-mails a day so try and make it easy for them! Brands are looking for authenticity and influencers they can trust in terms of effective campaigns. While product placements or sponsored posts no longer come as a surprise, not everyone knows the story behind each and every collaboration. By continuing to use this site, you consent to this policy. I know it’s daunting to start out something for the long run. Step 1: Send a warm e-mail. ), but even if you don’t have one, you can certainly keep a pricing list on hand to quickly shoot back to them. What’s the point of building such a great platform just to have it wiped out by the FTC for incompliance? However, something you should keep in mind is working with a brand that has something to do with your business. Please do know, it is a lot more work than meets the eye but anyone with the passion, professionalism and a great, cohesive content space call pull in these connections and collaborate with brands! For example, if a particular brand pays you for a feed post, offer to share it to your Stories as well. Build a professional personal brand and take collaborations with brands to a whole new level. Later have wonderful articles on this and more. But increasingly more often, one-off sponsored posts can evolve into business relations lasting for years, if both sides are open to it. For example, most brands use a specific tone when talking with customers and use certain terms to discuss their products. Brands are getting aware that the fact that someone has a million followers and a 0.02% engagement rate is a red flag. Some post their e-mail address … Can you do anything to improve your engagement rates per post? When people are thinking about business collaboration, it’s easy to get confused about the best route to go down. The most common ones are Page likes or follower count. You’re not going to get any insanely great product and, even if they repost your content, you’re not really going to get much audience cross-over discovering you. Don’t ramble, beat around the bush, don’t suck up or shower with compliments. Yep, that’s happened to me too where they invite me to be an ambassador but then send me a code saying how I get all their clothes 50% off. Check out a smaller brand or two on Instagram. Don’t let anyone take you for a ride with it. Before you start working with brands and featuring sponsored content on your social accounts, you should take a step back and think about what you want to achieve on social media. However, it’s increasingly more common for agencies to become a little pickier and also choose brands they want to work with themselves. NapoleonCat’s Dashboards for influencers, Find out how we manage your personal data. Are they willing to repost your content on THEIR Instagram (i.e. If you feel that you deliver value to your following and attract an engaged target audience around your profiles, and that your social accounts are not oversaturated with sponsored content yet, then you already fit the basic requirements of many brands. Thanks for stopping by my lifestyle and mommy blog! Don’t be shy to ask for what truly makes you feel valued and realistically reflects the work and positives you’re bringing to the table for the brand. Maybe instead of working on another feed post, put together a creative series of videos for your Stories? Influencer marketing means business: there’s no doubt about that. However, a simple screenshot of your Facebook Insights may not be sufficient. The tool allows you to share relevant statistics from various social media platforms and content types: Facebook posts, Instagram Stories, Instagram posts, YouTube videos, Tweets, and even blog posts. Brands want to collaborate with them in order to expand their reach to drive sales and conversions. Dashboards make influencer marketing verification hassle-free. Even if the creator has not collaborated with a brand but just mentioned it, it is useful for you to note it down if it is relevant to your profile and later contact it. HOW TO COLLABORATE WITH BRANDS ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Perspective from influencer AND brand owner! How could you potentially help a business raise its brand awareness, sales, or sign-ups through influencer marketing? While this is not a walk in the park, it is not impossible either. Good luck girl! This is an unpaid product-exchange collaboration. For brands, influencers are not merely content creators – they are ambassadors. A clear suject line is important – nothing salesy or spammy. One of the easiest ways to start collaborating with brands is to join Influencer platforms. Please connect your site to YouTube via this page before using this widget. Include your qualitative stats. Analyze your previous collaborations with brands if you’ve had any. Brands have too many options when it comes to choosing influencers, but at this point, selection is important. Especially these days when, in the USA, the FTC requires influencers to disclose clearly that they are collaborating by including #ad or #sponsored (although I see a shocking amount of influencers and bloggers – and I’m talking HUGE names too – avoiding this practice, intentional or not, I don’t know). A lifestyle, family, travel, journal and creative blog by Ana Free. If you want to build a solid influencer brand, you should get familiar with this short guide. Of course, you should always strive to make it your own, authentic and unique. Whether you are a seasoned influencer or just starting out in your blogging career, here are six tips on how to collaborate with brands as a blogger. You can hire that work to be done, or hire somebody to do your job as CEO, then you can do that yourself, ideally. They make your influencer brand stronger and showcase your professionalism. 27 February 2020; Jenny Harper ; Influencer marketing has been rocking the online world for some time now. The concept of Brand Collaboration can be defined as the strategic alliance between two or more brands for curating a unique and specific product or service with an intention to carve a niche and attain a competitive advantage at the marketplace. You should also keep in mind that brands want to find influencers who will stay with them for longer and become their brand ambassadors on social media. Make no mistake, your audience will see right through you if you post content that isn’t in line with your vibe or brand. Try NapoleonCat free for 14 days. Or the payments are not done on time. Get more suggestions by clicking the down arrow next to their profile name. I know this seems ridiculously obvious but you’d be shocked how many people don’t know how to go about finding the person they need to speak to about collaboration. It takes practise and patience to locate a possible good e-mail contact for any of these individuals but it’s worth it if you’re e-mail will be directly reaching them vs going to a massive inbox with countless other correspondence. Let’s imagine that a big brand approaches you today, asking for social media coverage. One way to do this is to closely follow their brand-style guides and learn where they align with your brand. I love music, writing and singing songs, traveling, doing my makeup, taking photographs and spending time with my family. Both brands and influencers still make mistakes that put campaigns – and the good name of influencer marketing in general – at risk. Amazing! When I’ve contacted them, I make note so I can follow up later. They give you product for free and you post it on your social platforms. 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