The electron energy level structure of Nd3+ in YAG is complicated. It is a solid state and 4 level system as it consists of 4 energy levels. * Optical resonator  A small amount of Yttrium ions (Y3+) is replaced by Neodymium (Nd3+) in the active element of Nd: YAG crystal. It is a four level solid state laser. * Construction of Nd:YAG laser So, for lasing action to take place an external pump source is required. : The power output is approximately 70 watt. : Xenon or Krypton flash tube is used as pumping, : Two ends of Nd: YAG rod is polished with silver. r, e d(t) S.T.C Pulsed Nd-YAG -t t D(t) laser Tissue response 0(t) : temperature Figure 1: Schematic of the self—tuning control principle. After some time, the photon number multiplies more rapidly. Also, as the system is equipped with optical resonators so, more number of photons will get generated as the pumped energy will get reflected inside the active medium. 3. It is a solid state and 4 level system as it consists of 4 energy levels. However, initially, electrons in E1 is very much higher as compared to E4. A small amount of Yttrium ions (Y3, The optical resonator is formed by using two external reflecting mirrors. The Nd-YAG Laser • Now supersedes the ruby as the most common doped insulator laser • Host material is a crystal of yttrium-aluminium-garnate (Y 3 Al 5 O 12), YAG doped with 0.7% by weight of neodymium (Nd3+) ions • Laser emission takes place at 1.064 µm (infra-red) Solid State Lasers This laser generally emits light of wavelength of nearly 1.064 μm.    Due to the difference in the energy levels, the electrons need some external pumping in order to perform a transition from one state to another. Thereby forming an optical cavity. Definition: Nd:YAG laser is the short form used for Neodymium-doped Yttrium Aluminium Garnet. Nd:YAG laser is the short form used for Neodymium-doped Yttrium Aluminium Garnet. It would also be anticipated that significantly fewer instances of crusting, blistering, pigmentation problems and other adverse epidermal effects would occur with 1064-nm Nd:YAG laser irradiation. 1. Based on the type of active medium, Laser systems are broadly classified into the following categories. So, the electrons in this particular state will last for a longer duration. Due to doping, yttrium ions get replaced by the Nd3+ ions. Solid State laser : Ruby Laser Nd:YAG laser, 2. Liquid Laser : SeOCL2 Laser,  Europium Chelate Laser, 4. It is a solid state and 4 level system as it consists of 4 energy levels. and tested using computer simulation (figure 1). YAG laser(Nd:YAG) A YAG laser is used for general-purpose marking applications such as marking on plastic and metal workpieces, as well as for machining applications. 1. Black, red dark orange and dark blue tattoos will typically respond better to treatment with laser. Then the Nd ions get raised to higher energy levels and their transition produces a laser beam. Nd ion is rare earth metal and it is doped with solid state host crystal like yttrium aluminium garnet (YAG – Y3Al5O12) to form Nd:YAG laser. Finally, the structure of the self—tuning control (S.T.C.) It is developed by scientist J. An  ion  makes  a  spontaneous  transition  from  E2  to  E1,  emitting  a photon of energy hγ. Wavelength of the output: The wavelength of the output beam is 1.06μm(infra-red), 2. The construction of Nd: YAG laser is as shown in the figure 2.17. It finds many applications in range finders and illuminators. One mirror (M, Figure 2.18 shows the energy level diagram for Nd: YAG laser. 2. It is a four level solid state laser. So, the electrons in this particular state will last for a longer duration. 3. In principle the Nd Yag lasers can remove all types of tattoos. Here, E1 is the lowest energy state while E4 is the highest energy level. All Rights Reserved. Nd stands for Neodymium (rare earth element) and YAG stands for Yttrium Aluminum Garnet ( Y3Al5 O12) . However, since all tattoos are not the same in terms of colour, depth of ink deposition and their chemical composition, some may respond differently to others. Q-switched Nd: Yag Laser Tattoo Removal Machine PL-303. 7. This emitted photon will trigger a chain of stimulated photons between E2 and E1. After enough strength is attained (condition for laser being satisfied), an intense laser light of wavelength 1.06μm is emitted through the partial reflector. The Nd: Yag long pulse laser can be used safely on all skin types – type I to VI. The electrons in the lower energy level need some extra energy to jump into the higher energy level. The figure below shows the 4 state energy level diagram of Nd:YAG laser: So, in this way electrons by gaining single photon of energy releases the energy of 2 photons. * What is Nd:YAG Laser? Nd: YAG laser . It is widely used in engineering applications such as resistor, trimming scribing, micro machining operations as well as welding, drilling etc. When the krypton flash lamp is switched on, by the absorption of light. Copyright © 2018-2021; All Rights Reserved. Nd: YAG laser is a neodymium based laser. The energy state E3 is the metastable state and exhibits longer lifespan. The photons thus generated travel back and forth between two mirrors and grow in strength. Nd: YAG laser generates laser light commonly in the near-infrared region of the spectrum at 1064 nanometers (nm). In this way, several electrons on stimulation produce photons thereby generating a coherent laser beam of 1.064 µm. The Neodymium ions are collected in the level E2 and the population inversion is achieved between E2 and E1. It corresponds to the transition from E. : Optical pumping is employed for pumping action. Experiment 05 / 07 / 08 Diode Pumped Nd:YAG-Laser Page - 6 - Dr. W. Luhs MEOS GmbH 79427 Eschbach –Jan. The electron energy level structure of Nd. E2 also exhibit shorter lifespan like E4. 3. These are also used in welding and cutting of steel and in communication system also. Treatment principle of Monaliza-2 Q-Switched Nd: YAG Laser Therapy Systems is based on laser selective photothermy and blasting mechanism of Q-switched laser. Principle: The active medium is a gas mixture of CO 2, N2 and He. The different wavelengths available (1064mn and 532mn) can target different pigments of different colors. an intense laser light of wavelength 1.06μm is emitted through the partial reflector. Study Material, Lecturing Notes, Assignment, Reference, Wiki description explanation, brief detail, Nd: YAG laser: Principle, Construction, Working, Characteristics, Advantages, Disadvantages and Applications. Nd YAG is a crystal that is used as a lasing medium for solid state lasers. Nd: YAG laser is a neodymium based laser.    This is also known as the laser medium and is the middle portion of the structure i.e., Nd:YAG crystal. This allows to remove tattoos of all kind and all colors. The Q-switched Nd: yag laser tattoo removal machine PL-303, with the optimal 532nm, 1064nm, 1320nm and an extraordinarily short pulse width of only 10ns, is the most precise and safest yag laser tattoo removal treatment and pigmented lesions solutions available.. A high pulse repetition rate and easy spot size (1-6mm adjustable) … The fundamental Nd:YAG laser wavelength is in the near IR at 1064nm. high power output during all the pigment procedures. Due to this more number of electrons will be present at the metastable state E3. After enough strength is attained (condition for laser being satisfied). They also allow to work on all skin colors safely. This extra energy is provided from various energy sources such as heat, electric fie… One mirror (M1) is 100% reflecting while the other mirror (M2) is partially reflecting. PRINCIPLE. Active medium: The active medium is Nd: YAG laser. Nd stands for Neodymium (rare earth element) and YAG stands for Yttrium Aluminum Garnet ( Y, The active medium Nd: YAG rod is optically pumped by Krypton flash tubes. sun. algorithm is elaborated by linking the D.P.A and the P.A.A. While the other end is partially coated in order to provide a path for the light ray from an external source to reach the active medium. During the transition from meta stable state to ground state, a laser beam of wavelength 1.064μm is emitted. The long pulsed Nd; Yag has also been successful in treating common skin conditions. Pumping method: Optical pumping is employed for pumping action. Also, the doping concentration is around 0.725% by weight. Thereby attaining   population inversion. The laser treatment of pigmented lesions and tattoos are based on principle selected photothermolysis. However, as E4 is an unstable state and it exhibits short lifespan. It is much easy to achieve population inversion. The Neodymium ions (Nd3+) are raised to excited levels. Nd:YAG (neodymium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet) is a crystal that is used as a laser medium for solid-state lasers. Mercury is a premium Long Pulsed Nd : YAG Laser treating multiple indications such as Hair removal, Vascular lesion, Skin rejuvenation and newly added nail/toe fungus lesions. 5. But once the lifetime of the electrons at the metastable state gets exhausted then these electrons by releasing photons come to lower energy state E2. N 2 gas serves to increase the energy level of CO 2, and He gas serves to stabilize the CO 2 energy level. Laser technology has greatly improved the ability to treat melanocytic lesions and tattoos with the rapidly pulsed Q-switched neodymium: yttrium – aluminium – garnet (Nd: YAG) Laser. Semiconductor Laser : GaAs laser, GaAsP laser. Nd:YAG lasers are used in ophthalmology to correct posterior capsular opacification, a condition that may occur after cataract surgery, and for peripheral iridotomy in patients with acute angle-closure glaucoma, where it has superseded surgical iridectomy. These energy levels are those of Neodymium (Nd, When the krypton flash lamp is switched on, by the absorption of light, radiation of wavelength 0.73μm and 0.8μm, the Neodymium(Nd, The Neodymium ions atoms make a transition from these energy levels E, The Neodymium ions are collected in the level E, An  ion  makes  a  spontaneous  transition  from  E. The photons thus generated travel back and forth between two mirrors and grow in strength. It is widely used in engineering applications such as resistor, trimming scribing, micro machining operations as well as welding, drilling etc. Its working principle is such that when optical pumping is provided to the device. Nd ion is rare earth metal and it is doped with solid state host crystal like yttrium aluminium garnet (YAG – Y3Al5O12) to form Nd:YAG laser. Absorptionof radiation is the process by which electrons in the ground state absorbs energy from photons to jump into the higher energy level. The Neodymium ions atoms make a transition from these energy levels E2 by non-radiative transition. Thus, electrons present in E2 state will come to E1 without radiating energy in the form of a photon. These energy levels are those of Neodymium (Nd3+) ions. Principle: The active medium Nd: YAG rod is optically pumped by Krypton flash tubes.    The two ends of the Nd:YAG rod is coated with silver. The ends of the cylindrical rod are highly polished and they are made optically flat and parallel. Nd: YAG laser is a neodymium based laser. WuZhongTianYue International, JingYang Square, LvYuan Dis.,Changchun 130062. Nd: YAG (neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet; Nd:Y3Al5O12) is a crystal that is used as a lasing medium for solid-state lasers. Optical resonator: Two ends of Nd: YAG rod is polished with silver (one end is fully silvered and the other is partially silvered) are used as optical resonator. This cylindrical rod (laser rod) and a pumping source (flash tube) are placed inside a highly (reflecting) elliptical reflector cavity. Pastelle, FDA approved, is a premium Q-switched Nd : YAG Laser that provides. Nd stands for Neodymium (rare earth element) and YAG stands for Yttrium Aluminum Garnet ( Y 3 Al 5 O 12) . It has very high repetition rate operation. It finds many medical applications such as endoscopy, urology, neurosurgery, ENT, gynecology, dermatology, dental surgery and general surgery.    Nd:YAG laser is basically categorized into 3 domains that are the active medium, pumping source and the optical resonator. E2 is a metastable state. Power output: The power output is approximately 70 watt. Theelectrons orbiting very close to the nucleus are at the lower energy level or lower energy state whereas the electrons orbiting farther away from the nucleus are at the higher energy level. This video lecture will explain the Construction, working and uses of Nd YAG laser 3. 2. radiation of wavelength 0.73μm and 0.8μm, the Neodymium(Nd3+) atoms are raised from ground level E0 to upper levels E3and E4 (Pump bands). Figure 2.18 shows the energy level diagram for Nd: YAG laser. These lasers operate in both pulsed and continuous mode. In Nd:YAG Laser , Nd stands for neodymium ions Nd3+ and YAG for Yttrium Aluminium Garnet(Y3Al5O12 ). Lasers principles In this chapter and the two following ones we shall describe the principle of the operation of lasers, their common features and the properties of the light they emit. Such an account would, in any case, soon be obsolete. … 1. INTRODUCTION: It is four-level solid state laser system. Construction: It consists of a quartz tube 5 m long and 2.5 cm in the diameter. However, one end is completely coated with silver so as to achieve maximum light reflection. 5. The Nd:YAG rod and the flash tube are placed inside an elliptical cavity so, that maximum produced light can reach the rod.    Here, E1 is the lowest energy state while E4 is the highest energy level. Ophthalmic Surgery, Lasers and Imaging Retina | The Nd: YAG Laser In Ophthalmology: Principles and Clinical Applications of Photodlsruption by … Because of these properties, lasers are used in a wide variety of applications in all walks of life. After some time, the photon number multiplies more rapidly. 1999/July 2003 1.2 Four-level system of the Nd-YAG la-ser. Its main advantage is its thermal stability which allows an Nd:YAG laser to produce a good quality, continuous beam at room temperature. Frequency-doubled Nd:YAG lasers (wavelength 532 nm) are used for pan-retinal photocoagulation in patients with diabetic retinopathy. So, in this section, we will discuss the working of Nd:YAG laser with the help of the energy level diagram. Energy form particular wavelength with accurate dose will act on certain targeted color radicals: ink, carbon particles from derma and epidermis, exogenous pigment particles and endogenous melanophore from derma and epidermis. Physically, it's an Yttrium aluminium garnet crystal, with Neodymium replacing ~1% of the yttrium atoms in the crystal structure, with surrounding optics and supporting electronic systems. CO 2 lasers emit invisible infrared beams with a wavelength of 10.6 μm. The triply ionised neodymium [Nd(III)] dopant (ie a substance added in minute amounts to another pure substance to alter its conductivity), typically replaces a small fraction of the yttrium ions in the host crystal structure, since the two ions are of similar size. PRINCIPLE. 6. Nd stands for Neodymium (rare earth element) and YAG stands for Yttrium Aluminum Garnet ( Y3Al5 O12) . It is much easy to achieve population inversion. * What is Nd:YAG Laser? However, initially, electrons in E1 is very much higher as compared to E4. Nd ion is rare earth metal and it is doped with solid state host crystal like yttrium aluminium garnet (YAG – Y … This type of laser also finds its application in medical field for the surgical purpose. This discharge tube is filled with gaseous mixture of CO 2 (active medium), helium and nitrogen with suitable partial pressures. It is a 4 level systems i.e.      8. 6. * External Energy source Nd:YAG laser is the short form used for Neodymium-doped Yttrium Aluminium Garnet. ; it contains 4 energy levels. Our aim is not to provide an exhaustive catalogue of the types of laser available at the time of writing. Sonogram Recording of movement of Heart: Principle and working, Important Questions and Answers: Acoustics and Ultrasonics, Principle of Spontaneous and Stimulated emission - Einstein’s Quantum theory of radiation, Principle of Laser action and Methods of pumping action, CO2 Molecular gas laser: Principle, Construction, Working, Characteristics, Advantages, Disadvantages and Applications, Semiconductor Diode laser: Principle, Construction, Working, Characteristics, Advantages, Disadvantages and Applications, Hetro Junction Laser: Principle, Construction, Working, Characteristics, Advantages, Disadvantages and Applications, Difference between Step Index fiber and Graded Index fiber. Due to this more number of electrons will be present at the metastable state E3. * How does Nd:YAG laser work? Then the electrons present in the energy state E1 gains energy and moves to energy state E4. Nd: YAG laser is a neodymium based laser. Basically, as a source of optical pumping, xenon or krypton flash tube is taken in its case. The laser transition takes place between the vibrational states of CO 2 molecules. 4. Nature of output: The nature of output is pulsed or continuous beam of light. Nd: YAG laser is a four-level laser system, which means that the four energy levels are involved in laser action. The figure below shows the road like the structure of Yd:YAG laser: * Active medium Gas laser : He-Ne Laser, CO2 Laser, Argon – ion laser, 3. * What is applications of Nd:YAG Laser? It corresponds to the transition from E2to E1. Dye laser : Rhodamine 6G laser, Coumarin dye laser, 5. : The nature of output is pulsed or continuous beam, : The wavelength of the output beam is 1.06μm(infra-red), It has very high repetition rate operation. The Neodymium ions (Nd, The construction of Nd: YAG laser is as shown in the figure 2.17. Fast repetition rates and large coverage areas allow large areas of the body to be treated quickly. 1. 5. The active medium Nd: YAG rod is optically pumped by Krypton flash tubes. Therefore, electrons that were excited to this state by the application external pumping will not stay at this state for much longer duration and comes to lower energy state E3 very fastly but without radiating any photon. Semiconductor Laser : GaAs laser, GaAsP laser . The principle … The optical resonator is formed by using two external reflecting mirrors. It is a four level solid state laser. Two elements make Q-Switch Nd:YAG lasers essential to remove unwanted tattoo or treat the skin conditions mentioned above. Most notably, it is highly effective on dark or tanned skin with darker hair, but is of limited use on light or fine hair. Therefore, electrons that were excited to this state by the application external pumping will not stay at this state for much longer duration and comes to lower energy state E3 very fastly but without radiating any photon. This active element is cut into a cylindrical rod. It finds many medical applications such as endoscopy, urology, neurosurgery, ENT, gynecology, dermatology, dental surgery and general surgery. In certain cases these lasers are also used to treat eye floaters. Thereby attaining   population inversion. Strong dual cooling system - Skin Cooling System (SCS) and Contact Cooling System - … 4. The energy state E3 is the metastable state and exhibits longer lifespan. Basically when the external energy source is provided then the electrons from lower energy state moves to higher energy state thereby causing lasing action to take place. Type: It is a four level solid state laser. ©Copyright VY Optoelectronics Co.,Ltd. Pumping source: Xenon or Krypton flash tube is used as pumping source. (BS) Developed by Therithal info, Chennai. The active medium in an Nd:YAG laser is a crystal rod of yttrium aluminium garnet (YAG) with the impurity Neodymium (Nd). 2. It finds many applications in range finders and illuminators. Theory: Advanced Nd: YAG Picosecond Laser System uses very short pulse output mode, instead of thermal effect, by the principle of light mechanical shock wave, pigment is “shattered” into finely granular via focused energy, are more likely to be absorbed by the body metabolism. Nd:YAG laser are used in military applications to find the desired target. So, when external energy is provided in the active medium of the laser. 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