The untimely death of Hakim Hashim Gilani, the astronomer who was to supervise the observatory, put an end to the project. Question 3:Consider the following ancient texts: 1. Jeni PataC. The government took no steps to prevent this. (vi) Formulated area of a triangle & discovered algebra. A. SulvasutraB. Ultimately the Sultan incurred a huge financial loss and his reputation as a conqueror hampered much. But it is a fact that whatever control could be established in the south was because of making Daulatabad the capital. They were asked to grow different crops in rotation. He promised to exchange silver coins for bronze coins. (xviii) After advent of Mughals^ manufacture of gunpowder and its use in guns started. The distance from Delhi to Daulatabad (Devagiri) was nearly 1500 km. He had exhibited lack of wisdom and commonsense in these expeditions. Nitin Singhania: Indian Art & Culture (Summary & Tests), Nitin Singhania: Summary of Calendars in India. He was well read in the subjects of religion, philosophy, astronomy, mathematics, medicine and logic. He was one of the most remarkable rulers of his time. Though controversial, Muhammad Bin Tughlaq showed a great sense of pragmatism in this decision. (vii) Value of Pi given by him is much more accurate than that given by the Greeks. AlgebraC. (xi) Ain-i-Akbari- “regulation of perfume office” of Akbar. (v) Indian philosophers conceived the idea of splitting an atom. The great Bahmani king, Firuz (1397–1422), for example, encouraged botany, geometry, and logic. Again in case of his transfer of capital from Delhi to Daulatabad, he displayed his lack of Wit. AryabhattiyaC. The king’s decision was much of a strategic importance. 1665: Treaty of Purandar – between Shivaji and Jai Singh (on behalf of Aurangzeb) 1666: Shivaji escaped from Azeb’s detention. (xv) He gave a list of six animals & thirty-six plants which could indicate presence of water. He was interested also in astronomy, and in 1407 started work on an observatory near Daulatabad. Extraction of sugar 3. The government spent over it more than seventy lakhs. He had profound knowledge in logic, philosophy, mathematics astronomy and physical sciences. The government treasury was filled with bronze or copper coins. Question 8:Chaturanga, a sport in ancient times is presently played by the name- A. JudoB. BrahmaguptaD. It was definitely a praise-worthy step of Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq. Muhammad- bin-Tughlaq introduced bronze coins in place of silver and gold but there remained certain defects which made him a big failure in this experiment. Only (i)B. Again the officers appointed in this work were corrupt and lacked experience. He did a great mistake by dropping this project just after one failure. Content Guidelines 2. He was very much faithful to his own religion and obeyed the religious rites and was regular at his daily prayers. This made the situation more deplorable. Lastly, it was in the mind of the Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq that he would be able to utilize the vast wealth and resources of the south, if his capital would be there at Devagiri. (x) Astrnomy- Feroz Shah Tughlaq established an observatory in Delhi & Feroz Shah Bahamani at Daulatabad. But Devagiri would be a safe place and almost free from Mongol raids. It is the second volume of his main work Siddhānta Shiromani, Sanskrit for "Crown of treatises," alongside Lilavati, Grahaganita and Goladhyaya. Established after bitter disputes with Jains; Foreign Invasions Mahmud of Ghazni. He opened a separate office where a large number of clerks and officers were appointed to do the compilation work. In 1610, near Daulatabad Fort, the new city of Aurangabad, then named Khadki, was established to serve as the capital of the Ahmadnagar Sultanate by the Ethiopian military leader Malik Ambar, who was brought to India as a slave but rose to become a popular Prime Minister of the Ahmadnagar Sultanate. But it came at a time when the Doab region was at famine. His increase of tax in the fertile Doab region was not at all in-correct. A regular postal service was established between Delhi and Daulatabad. Muhammad bin Tughlaq was well known for his wisdom and character. (vi) Bijaganita- ‘the other mathematics’ as Bija means ‘another’ or ‘second’ & Ganita means mathematics → it was recognised as a parallel system of computation. A huge amount of forged coins entered into market and government treasury as those were minted secretly by private parties. He was very kind and generous to the poor and pandits and was very unkind and cruel. Wind, which are produced with the help of blood, flesh & marrow & body becomes sick due to an imbalance between these three.- Prevention rather than cure.- Genetics is also mentioned.Sushruta Samhita- Mentions practical problems of Surgery & Obstetrics.- Sushruta studied anatomy.- His forte was mainly:(a) Rhinoplasty (plastic surgery)(b) Ophthalmology (ejection of Cataract)- Surgery- termed as Sastrakarma.- This book records in detail the steps to be taken for performance of a surgery.- Rhinoplasty (restoration of a mutilated nose through plastic surgery)- his biggesr contribution.- Ejection of cataracts from eye was even done by him. He was highly educated and was well versed in Arabic and Persian language. Our mission is to provide an online platform to help students to discuss anything and everything about history. UPSC. As there was shortage of gold and silver coins to serve as a medium of exchange due to the increase in the transactions, the sultan was very right to go for the introduction of a Copper Currency which had the same value as the Silver Coin. The governors of the provinces were directed to submit the documents showing their incomes and expenditures and other necessary materials for the compilation work. And the very situation was not favourable to make-up their minds to pay more. It is sure that he had many good ideas, but he had not the capacity to execute them. (i), (ii) and (iv)C. (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)D. (iii) and (iv)ExplanationIndia also has a fair share in enriching the world’s material culture. (iv) Ships were primarily classified into two classes:- Samanya (Ordinary class)- Vishesha (special class)(v) Ordinary class^for sea voyage & had two types of ships:(a) Dirgha type of ship - long and narrow hull(b) Unnata type of ship - higher hull(vi) As per length & position of cabins, ships were classified into:(a) Sarvamandira vessels - cabins extending from one end of deck to another, used for transportation of royal voyage & horses. Among other public works he under took the construction of an Observatory on the chain of hills near Daulatabad called Balaghat which … He was also encouraged by Qublai Khan, the ruler of China and Ghazan Khan, the ruler of Persia who had successfully experimented with a token currency. After a couple of years, Muhammad Tughlaq decided to abandon Daulatabad because he realized the fact that just as he could not control the South from Delhi in the same way he could not control North from Daulatabad. (iii) In India, it was called Rasayan Shastra, Rasatantra, Rasa Vidya & Rasakriya, all of which means science of liquids. Its reign started in 1320 in Delhi when Ghazi Malik assumed the throne under the title of Ghiyath al-Din Tughluq.The dynasty ended in 1413. TOS4. He was also mild before the Mongols. Compass of the ship – Machayantra or fish machine(in the shape of a fish). Thus, he also supported the version of Iban Batuta. Some of the Sanskrit terminologies used during ancient times for various parts of the ship are: SHIP BUILDING AND NAVIGATION(i) Sanskrit & Pali literature- mention of ship building & navigation activities. The ghats on the great Ganga riverfront at Banaras are unquestionably the city's most iconic and celebrated image. It was a great loss to the Sultan both in men and money. And again he had the ambition to conquer distant countries which would require a good deal of money. You can download Free Nitin Singhania: Summary of Science and Technology Through The Ages UPSC Notes | EduRev pdf from EduRev by 1) Last great ruler who transferred the capital from Gulbarga to Bidar. (ix) Akbar made mathematics as a subject of study in education system. (v) Development of metallurgy in India- from Bronze Age. A separate Islamic empire was established in Bengal and, within a short time, almost the whole of North India was under Muslim control. A large number of officers and guards were appointed to look after the project. Lilavati 2. (v) He stated that earth is round & rotates on its own axis. in the north of Karnataka and the interregnum of Hyder Ali and Tippu Sultan(1761-1799 C.E.) Ahmad Shah. out UPSC lecture & lessons summary in the same course for UPSC Syllabus. A. Since this event took place during the summer season and the journey was rigorous one, many people died on the way. Both (a) & (b)D. Neither (a) nor (b)ExplanationSushruta flourished c. 6th-century BCE, ancient Indian surgeon known for his pioneering operations and techniques and his influential treatise Sushruta-Samhita, the main source of knowledge about surgery in ancient India. At first a large area of land say sixty square miles in area was taken up in the project. Question 6:Which of the following vessel(s) or ship(s) was/were used in warfare during ancient times? It has gotten 21 views and also has 4.9 rating. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. MATHEMATICS(i) Also called Ganita & includes:- Arithmetic (Pattin Ganita/Anka Ganita)- Algebra (Bija ganita)- Geometry (Rekha Ganita)- Astronomy (Khagolshastra)- Astrology (Jyotisa)(ii) Between 1000 BC & 1000 AD- a number of treatise on mathematics were authorised by Indian mathematicians. using search above. 1674: Shivaji crowned himself at Raigarh. (x) Casting of cannons- explicitly mentioned in Tujuk-i-Baburi. Yukti Kalpa Taru Which of the above is/are related to shipbuilding? (iii) Greeks- influenced by Indian medicines during Indo-Greek rule in India in 180 BC-10 AD. Shady trees were planted on both sides of the road. There were also some corrupt officials who misappropriated a huge amount of production and money. But while implementing it he did a mistake by not choosing a fertile land for this purpose. Charak Samhita- deals with use of plants & herbs for medicinal purposes.- mainly deals with Ayurveda as a science with following eight components(a) Kaya Chikitsa (General Medicine)(b) Kaumara-Bhrtya (Paediatrics) a Shalya Chikitsa (Surgery)(c) Salakya Tantra (Ophthalmology/ENT)(d) Bata Vidya (Demonology/Psychiatry)(e) Agada Tantra (Toxicology)(f) Rasayana Tantra (Elixirs)(g) Vajikarana Tantra (Aphrodisiacs)- extensive note on digestion, metabolism & immune system.- he emphasised on three Doshas: 1. Many of those who reached Daulatabad felt home sick because the land and climate were not suitable to their health and they were also reminded of their dear birth place where they had lived generations together. Neither his selection of the place Devagiri as a site of capital nor his act of shifting the entire population of Delhi was welcomed by any historian. NagarjunaExplanationNagarjuna was an Indian metallurgist and alchemist. It was due to several reasons. (iv) Aims of studying astronomy were:- To get accuracy of Calendars.- To know about climate & rainfall patterns.- Navigation.- To look at horoscope.- To have the knowledge about tides & stars. (vi) Progress from Bronze Age to Iron Age- made great contribution in metallurgy. Among regional rulers, Firuz shah Bahamani set up an observatory at Daulatabad. Firoz Shah Bahmani under Hakim Hussain Gilani and Syed Muhammad Kazimi set up an observatory in Daulatabad. (b) Madhyamandira - cabins in middle part of the deck, for pleasure trips. Legends recorded by Al-Biruni in the eleventh century say that he was born in the village of Daihak near in Gujarat "one hundred years ago," i.e., at the start of the tenth century. (viii) Jyotisa part of Aryabhattiya- deals with astronomical definitions, method of determining true position of planets, movement of Sun & Moon and calculation of eclipses. This also came at a time when the Doab was at the verge of a famine. A broad road was constructed for their convenience. When he was inspecting an elephant parade standing on a pavilion at Tughluqabad, the Pavilion collapsed and the Sultan along with his second son Muhammad Khan crushed under it and died. Present form of Judo & karate originated from it. In order to bring an improvement in agriculture, Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq decided to undertake a number of measures and he, therefore established a department of agriculture called Diwan-i-kohi. He was however defeated. This resulted in a new process of cultural interaction between north and South India. Akbar the Great's Tomb and Fort No doubt the Doab region between the Ganga and Yamuna was highly fertile and production was more than any other part of the country, but hike in the tax came at a wrong time and assessment of revenue was not based on the factual report. unlike his MODERN COUNTER PART, and the ‘TUGHLUQ REFORMS’ were not the part of any Machiavellian-Koudillya thanthra (Chanakya Thanthra ). (xvi) Propounded earth cloud theory in his book Brihat Samhita. (iv) Town planning of Harappa indicates a good knowledge of measurement & geometry. Assumed the title of ‘Haindava Dharmoddharak’ Died in 1680. When diplomats met to form the United Nations in 1945, one of the things they discussed was setting up a global health organization. He abstained himself from drinking in public. Takshila and Varanasi emerged as the centres for medicinal learning. Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq ascended the throne just three days after the sudden death of his father, Giyasuddin Tughlaq. Tests & Videos, you can search for the same too. Image Source:,_A.D._1330.jpg. He was a great soldier and great scholar in Arabic, Persian, Kannada and Telugu. Karajal expedition was another mis-judged step of Muhammad-bin- Tughlaq. You can see some Nitin Singhania: Summary of Science and Technology Through The Ages UPSC Notes | EduRev sample questions with examples at the bottom of this page. He was compelled to abdicate in favour of his brother, Ahmad Shah-I, who is called a saint (wali) on account of his association with the famous sufi saint Gesu Daraz. Secondly as Devagiri was situated at a central place so the administration of the north and the south could be possible. Secondly, the officers lacked experience which accounted for bad planning or faulty implementation. The great Bahmani king, Firuz (1397–1422), for example, encouraged botany, geometry, and logic. Almost all the historians have agreed that Sultan Muhammad was one of the most learned and accomplished scholars of his time. Yukti Kalpa Taru : The treatise gives a technocratic exposition on the techniques of shipbuilding, providing minute details on various types of ships, their sizes along with materials from which they were built. (vi) Nilakantha Somasutvan wrote Tantrasamgraha, which contains rules of trigonometric functions. (ii) Two books were translated in Arabic. Further from military point of view, he was an excellent commander and during the time of Sultan Mubarak Shaha Khiliji he was promoted to the rank of the master of the horse from an ordinary soldier. It was due to the failure in different matters he has been called a mad Sultan. The Sultan had set up rest houses on the way to help the travellers. The era of practical and more rational cure to diseases emerged around 600 BC. It is said that it was a conspiracy on the part of Muhammad-bin Tughlaq who was impatient for power. Hence, there was a good deal of discontent. The Yukti Kalpa Taru sums up in a condensed form all the available information. Question 5:Who of the following was an alchemist or chemist by profession in ancient era? 4) He encouraged the pursuit of Astronomy and built an observatory near Daulatabad. The object of his taxation policy in the Doab was to increase the military resources. (iv) Atharva Veda → cure for diseases like diarrhoea, sores, cough,leprosy, fever & seizure. In Daulatabad, an observatory was established by Firoz Shah Bahmani under Hakim Hussain Gilani and Syed Muhammad Kazimi. A. ApastambaB. He was interested also in astronomy, and in 1407 started work on an observatory near Daulatabad. A. SarvamandiraB. He was a lover of music and fine arts. Though the attempt to make Devagiri a capital failed, it had a number long-range benefit. Question 9:The compass of the ship used for navigation in ancient times was called A. Vata VastraB. (xi )Court astronomer of Feroz shah Bahmani, Mahendra Suri, invented an astronomical instrument known as Yantaraja. To build an observatory in Daulatabad, he was mistaken by the 6th century version of Iban Batuta in... The compass of the following areas related to shipbuilding force on 7 April –... Be further subdivided- Parmanu army at Soratur related earthquake to influence of plants, behaviour of animals, underground,. Ain-I-Akbari- “regulation of perfume office” of Akbar north and south India more rational cure to diseases Around. Agreed that Sultan Muhammad was one of the most learned of Indian mathematics from the period... He been able to pitch in when they know something the Fort of Daulatabad came under the Sultanate. Daraz 1463 - 1482 sport in ancient times so his transfer of the country time of his.... Done on palm leaves Yukti Kalpa Taru which of the most remarkable of... 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